Some ppl chase tornadoes. I chase rainbows.

I’m in a relatively good mood. Better than I’ve been in several weeks, at least. I’m annoyed, a bit, by the fact that I can’t always remember to remember the good things in life – the little things – but grateful that I’m able to still appreciate and enjoy them spontaneously.

I was driving home from work this morning, around 8am, when I saw a line of geese spanning the sky. And immediately I was hit with this…feeling. Genuine. Not sure I can name it, except to say it was one of those moments that takes my breath away. One which left me to feel sad for people who don’t seem to appreciate nature and hoping they had something in their life as beautiful, but wondering what could possibly compare.

And I watched these geese fly, changing their formation until a new leader was in front and they went into their angles, arrows moving across the sky. I wondered, how do they know? I mean, I can understand how they would know when to switch leaders…fatigue is…instinctual? But how/who determines which geese flies first next? How do they learn their aerial ballet, switching places so smoothly, without knocking in to one another? Do they practice this in some remote piece of sky somewhere until they get it right? Or is it just built in to their brains?

Most will say that humans are the smartest, most advanced creatures. But I have to disagree. It’s all a matter of perception, definition, reality.

I found myself sitting in my car, watching these geese travel across the sky, thinking to myself “I want to learn more about geese, and how they do that.” It was one of those epiphinatic moments where I realized that I have managed to hang on to at least some small threads of Wonder. (Well, I have a lot of Wonder. It’s just that it gets buried beneath all of the other ‘mandatory’ survival mode crap usually whirling in my brain.)

I thought back to the previous few days and found myself smiling. In just a few short hours I:

-witnessed yet another weirdass local weather freak out, with torrential downpour on one half of the parking lot and not a sprinkle on the other (seriously, it’s WEIRD.) which led to…

-an amazing rainbow, which caused me to grab my camera and my car keys and drive around town just looking at it and taking random pictures.

-have had several lovely more-than-20-second phone calls with my girlfriend

-had the opportunity to sit in on a discussion with an AMAZING person, followed by an absolutely fabulous concert by said person. (check her out-
She’s a transgendered folksy sort of artist and an amazing person, in general. Very fun to hang out with, too. 🙂

-followed by a reception with her where I hung out with one of my bestest friends whom I miss dearly.

-got several hugs from J, which always make me feel better

-decided to make a cd for someone and in the process rediscovered music I hadn’t listened to in forever, but which I adore. So. Yeah, it’s been a good few days.

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November 18, 2006

*GASP*!!! that’s the comic you sent me that one time!!! the sheepy “found you” one… you have no idea how much that helped me that day. and still does, actually. HEARTS. xoxo *~

November 18, 2006

glad you had a good day , rainbows are awesome, cute lizard. I love Lizards. 😀 you have some good photos there, and that’s cool you know musicians. See you later. 🙂

November 18, 2006

I liked this idea 🙂 I’m glad you found some good things.

I feel sorry for the people who don’t see the beauty around them too. I have one friend who I’m pretty certain doesn’t. He asked me once, what I was looking at when I was very obviously watching the sunrise over the ocean. =o/

Pictures make me happy. =o)

(((hugs)))) Nice!!

…love your new (ish? I’m so unobservant these days!) Calvin icon. LOVE Calvin! 😉 ps. Are you still taking cymbalta? My Mom’s doc put her on it & I told her I’d ask you if you were still on it, if it seemed to be (from your perspective) helping, etc. If you had to deal with any icky side-effects in the getting used to it phase & stuff…