
Got a new car. Named her Joey.
(pictures soon)

Got a new bearded dragon. Haven’t named her yet.
Can’t remember if I posted this pic yet or not.

And this one, to show her head a little better. She’s got very nice markings. Three of them, right across her head.

Some possible names:
Kleio – muse of poetry and history


Trinity (cuz of the three markings on her head)

Mnemosyne (would use a nickname of course– mnemo, mosy, etc) – memory

I was thinking (actually I think M suggested) Cleopatra? I’m leaning towards Kleio. She’s still in a tiny setup, but tomorrow my goal is to get the big tank cleaned up for her. WoOt!

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How bout “Disgusting”?

I’d like to kick your first noter’s ass. Nice of them to leave a name. They should grow a set. And until I saw it was a female, I was going to suggest “Big Head Ned.”

me thinks you should pack little dragon into new car and visit! *hugs and kisses* -aj

October 18, 2006

so cute. Kleio is a good name, but I also like Trinity

October 19, 2006

ok id be yelling and screaming. i can be such a foo foo. happy you got a car and ok if you love that dragon then that means its ok!! i think cleo is great or Kleio as you say. go for it!

Kleio gets my vote. 🙂 She “looks” like a Kleio to me… 🙂

October 19, 2006

I like Kleio. It’s a cute name and an awesome spelling.

October 20, 2006

Wow, what beautiful markings, she’s a real beauty. How big will she get? Later, Alison

November 2, 2006

Yay Nanowrimo! Go you!