
I rode a fire truck today. It poured rain for a few minutes, but that was ok. It wasn’t a freezing rain, and it was the nice heavy rainplops that soak you right thru. I rather enjoyed it.

My car died today.

I saw 3 clutches of baby beardeds. I wouldn’t let myself pick one out til I called AJ. But I do believe I shall go back tomorrow and find a little girl dragon to call my own!!! *excited*

M is the bestest EVAHHHHR. I am borrowing her car til I manage to get mine fixed.

Had a horrible migraine for most of the day today. It’s still there, lurking.

Went to MC for the Allies meeting and there was a whole gaggle of profs there, plotting something or other. Can college professors strike? Dunno.

Put the kids to bed tonite. They were good for for me, as always.

My computer keeps doing some funky thing where it decides to bounce off of the page I’m on, even when I’m midsentence, and go to another window. Lovely. It also does this during my playing of The Sims2….allof a sudden it will go back to my desktop. This wouldn’t be a big deal, except then it takes no less than 10 minutes to process its way back to The Sims, since it’s a high-processing game. Ugh.

I do believe namoli is cured of ich!! That would be wonderful. She has pretty markings.

I don’t feel good. *sigh*

Roots continues to be an amazing book, albeit intense.

I need to think of some names for my new beardie. hmm hmm hmm.

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October 5, 2006

hmmm…*thinks of dragon names*…. xoxo *~

October 6, 2006

i hope your car is fixed soon?

October 8, 2006

Do you have updates that want to be installed? Sometimes that’s why it jumps to the desktop, if you have a PC. Girl beardies are adorable…I love the arm waving submission when they see themselves in the glass 🙂 I’m sorry about the car :< I'll send pics when I can…I don't think I have your e-mail?