corn chowder

Rainy, rainy day! But I don’t mind. I love the rain. I think it cheers me up rather than depresses me. (Up to a point, at least. When it rains for 2 weeks straight, then I get kinda fed up. Everything in moderation, as they say…)

Therapy today was ok. I babbled and rambled the entire time, I think!! Poor J was freezing cuz she had gone out and gotten soaked, so she was all wrapped up in her peptopink blanket drinking hot tea. She looked rather cozy, even tho she was cold. 🙂

Went to my supervisory meeting. I think it was good that I had therapy just prior to, cuz I vented in therapy and was calm and ok for the meeting, lol. Not that I am upset or anything. Just a little confused. But whatever. I’m going to take a few days and just sit back and watch my kid to see what he does when I’m not right next to him.

Anyways. After Sup. meeting, I was intending to walk to the chinese place and get some dinner, but decided on going to MC instead. mmmmm. Corn chowder ‘soup’. Theirs is sooooooooooooo delicious! And perfect after a nice long walk in the rain.

Gonna eat, type up my notes, and go to bed. I’m tired! Maybe I’ll play sims for a bit. I’m waiting for some of my sims to die, cuz I’ve never seen it happen yet. (Not my AJ-Echo replica family. I made another family in Strange Town. Started just with Pacific Xapler. She ended up marrying Nervous, who already lived in town. They had 2 kids….Azure and Zephyr. 🙂 Anyhow, Pacific and Nervous are elderly now. So. They;re kind of boring tho, cuz they don’t do anything since they retired!! Ah well…) I did make a *kick ass* house tho. It’s huge. I heart it. :p

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Rain comforts me to a point as well. =o)

ryn: Pee//ess? Bwahahaha! 🙂

September 12, 2006

xox *~

September 13, 2006

rain is lovely…. *hugs*

just lock them in a room. the sims, that is. -bc