“Survivor”, backyard style

Just spent a few hours watching M’s kids and a friend of Doodlebug’s. Wow I miss those kids!! I had such a wonderful time with them. We walked to a pizza buffet in town and had a nice dinner, then walked home and they played in the yard, playing a kind of Survivor game that they made up, where they had to get from place to place without touching the sidewalklava, or grass. (wow, that was the longest most commaridden sentence evaaahr!) I sat and watched them for a while and then kind of stood behind them at the more dangerous bits (like climbing the fence and walking along the top of it, heh.) I kept reminding myself on M’s theory of ‘dangerous’ activity, which meant stifling a bunch of “I don’t think that’s a good idea!” ‘s and being ready to catch anyone should they have fallen. (they didn’t all walk the fence. Just DB for a few seconds. Then she took a “life step” which meant she could hop on to the grass for a few seconds and then back on to something.) Mostly I was watching out for RB, who was trying to imitate the girls and do everything they did. 🙂 And at times I was the Deus ex Machina, tossing them stones and pennies and other things they could “land” on to stay safe. 🙂

Anyways, they all had a lovely time playing until the friend’s dad got there and then she left and RB and DB played in the front yard for a while and then M and E got home, so.

I’m exhausted and my email seems to be furked up. grrr.

Some pictures: (What happened to photobucket? It’s changed all of a sudden. grrr.)

The game begins

Hold on!

Hey! Guys!! Wait for meeeeeee!

Why go thru a gate when you can simply go over it?!!

Walking home from dinner

A stopsign I took a picture of. The girls were like “why are you taking a pic of that??” and I was like “I dunno, cuz it’s interesting to me…” and DB said “No! I know! It’s because [insert dramatic voice here] you’re showing how people don’t take care of stop signs [end dramatic voice]!!” *grin* She gets the drama from her mama. 😉

Doodlebug 🙂 🙂 🙂 Gah, I love that kid. (lookit that form- those pointed toes! Her arms weren’t quite straight cuz my camera stinks and got her coming back down instead of straight up in the air)

Playing in the front yard

This is kind of an eerie picture, psychologically. See, I was trying to get a pic of the spider (finally did, with flash and angle adjustments…) But anyways. What I ended up with was my shadow, the spider “on” my wrist. The kids playing on the swingset reflected in the window, and the picture thing I made M several years ago ends up being almost the center focus. So. I ended up missing what I was aiming for, focusing on what I am trying to avoid, but still catching the best things, if only in hindsight (reflection). Gee, I should send this to J. *rolls eyes* lah.

Ok, I’m kinda fascinated with spider webs at the moment.

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I played the lava game as late as my freshman year of college when me and my roommate would climb the furniture in our room. And spider webs are just cool. Period.

Hey, I’m getting the murder mystery game back into action, check out my latest entry in that diary. 🙂