stoled from lj

Stole this from LJ

Body Basics.
001. How tall are you?: 5’2″
002. Are you happy with your height?: Yep
003. How much do you weigh?: Probably about 135, 138. (haven’t been to work at the psych center lately to weigh myself 🙂
004. Are you happy with your weight?: I’m not unhappy with it
005. What`s your BMI?: 24ish, right on the verge
006. Are you at a healthy weight?: According to my BMI, I’m just about not. But according to me, I’m ok
007. Did you ever have some type of eating disorder?: I have really, really horrible eating habits, but there’s never really been a psychological aspect to it, so no.
008. Are you one of those people who can eat ANYTHING and never get fat?: used to be, but not since they took my thyroid away
009. How old are you?: 27
010. Do you look your age?: not, people always think I’m like, 18

011. What age did you get your first period?: Don’t remember. Musta been around 13 or 14 tho
012. Before you got it, did you want it really bad or were you dreading it?: don’t know. Don’t think I thought much about it
013. Do you get PMS?: maybe?
014. What`s the worst thing about your period?: having it!
015. Tell us an embarassing period story: I haven’t worn white jeans since I was 14, does that tell enough?
016. How often does your period come?: uhm…about once every 5 or 6 months
017. What was the date of your last period?: no idea. March? April-ish?
018. Do you get bad cramps?: No
019. Do you get really emotional?: No
020. Did you ever scream at your best friend because you were PMSing?: Don’t think so

General Health.
021. Does any disease run in your family?: I’m adopted, so don’t know much. What I do know: alcoholism, depression, diabetes, some types of cancer
022. When was your last physical?: sort of had one about 3 weeks ago, but mostly it was just having a paper filled out. Actual physical prolly about a year ago
023. When was your last gyno appointment?: never
024. Are you due for any shots?: ppd soon probably.
025. Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?: penicillan, guifenesin
026. Do you have allergies?: environmental, apparently
027. Do you have asthma?: exercise induced
028. Do you take a vitamin daily?: sometimes when I remember
029. Ever broke a bone?: Nope
030. Ever got surgery?: yep

Oral health.
031. When was your last dentist appointment?: 3 years ago
032. Do you have braces? If so, what colors?: Not currently. I’d always get fun colours tho
033. If you have braces, do you need to wear rubber bands?: when I had them
034. Ever got a cavity drilled?: Yes
035. Ever got a root canal?: Yes
036. Did you still feel pain even though you were on novacaine?: Yes
037. What toothepaste do you use?: Currently it’s one of those ones with mouthwash or something in it? colgate maybe?
038. How long do you keep a toothbrush before getting rid of it?: til I think to get a new one or my old one gets dropped in the toilet or something
039. How often do you brush your teeth?: once or twice a day
040. Do you use mouth wash? If so, what kind?: No

041. Do you have perfect vision?: perfectly awful, yes.
0042. Do you have glasses or contacts?: Glasses
043. Do you sit too close to the computer and/or television?: no
044. Ever stare at the sun and then see weird shapes?: of course
045. If you wear glasses/contacts, can you see without them?: not really
046. Do you know anyone with perfect eyesight?: Yes
047. What color are your eyes?: Brown
048. If you have contacts, are they colored?: n/a
049. Do you look dorky with glasses?: *shrugs* depends on the glasses
050. If you have dark eyes, do you carry the recessive gene for blue/green eyes?: no idea. Tho my bio mum and all of her sisters have blue eyes, so that might mean yes?

Physical health.
051. How many pull-ups can you do?: probably none
052. How many push-ups can you do?: maybe a couple
053. Are you good at gym?: I walked around the track today while the kids played soccer!
054. Can you run fast and long?: No, I hate running. Damn boobage.
055. Do you get cramps after running too long?: I get cramps after running short. :p
056. Can you run the mile without stopping?: jog it possibly
057. What was your best cross-country time?: no idea
058. Do you make up excuses to get out of gym?: no, cuz I opted to take swimming in HS
059. Do you play any sports?: nope
060. If not, why?: not the athletic type

061. How long is your hair?: to my waist when it’s wet
062. Do you have bangs?: No
063. When was your last haircut?: actual hair cut woulda been….8th grade?
064. What do you do to your hair in the morning?: Wash it and brush it out and then run out the door
065. Do you straighten/curl/whatever your hair or do you wear it natural?: Natural 99% of the time. Every now and then I straighten it
066. Do you wear your hair up or down most of the time?: down lately
067. Do you have any split ends?: i self trimmed many of them off a few days ago
068. Do you cut your own hair?: sort of
069. What was your worst haircut?: the last one
071. Ever have a bob haircut?: no

Miscelleneous; This or That.
071. Pads or tampons?: both
072. Glasses or contacts?: Glasses. Wish I could get contacts
073. Skinny or curvy?: Curvy
074. Light eyes or dark eyes?: partial to anything but mine. mine are medium brown
075. Tan or pale?: pale for me, tan compared to lots of people
076. Shaving or natural?: generally natural, legs at least.
077. Curly or straight hair?: cuuuurly
078. Frizzy or managable hair?: frizzy when it’s humid
079. Tall or short?: short
080. Long or short nails?: medium long, unless I’m trying to play guitar

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