
First week done.

Ok, right now my allergies are killing me. UGH. It’s something on or near my desk, I’m thinking, cuz this is the worst place. When I go in to other rooms, I seem (?) to do better. Dunno. Took Flomase earlier. Even the cat has runny eyes. hrm. Might be the rain. I do tend to get ickyness when it gets so damp. Ugh. I hope that’s what it is. I’m afraid AJ will like, die when she gets here 🙁 🙁

So. First week over. It got more interesting as we got in to more difficult stuff, tho the kid is still a sweet, very well behaved kid, so. I do have to remind him to focus every now and then, but mostly I’m working with him on academic stuff. I thought it would be mostly social skills, but he seems to have a great deal of those down pretty well. Dunno. Still stuff he needs to work on, but he’s doing good. Well. Whatever.

I finished A Salty Piece of Land by Jimmy Buffett. It was really quite good. I have a few options of what to read next. I finished (and started) Animal Farm last nite. It was interesting, but not one of my favourites. I still need to read…what was it? 1984? But I don’t have that. I could read Roots by Alex Haley. heh. But I think I’ll prolly start with that Breath, Eyes, Memory that I just got, cuz it looks so intriguing.

I need to:

-do laundry
-pot/repot plants
-renew my car registration
-call loan people
-call credit card people
-get to goodwill to get shirts to match the skirts I bought last week
-get to wally world and get a zipping binder for TSS work
-make the bed
-get crickets
-write my SOAP notes for yesterday
-vacuum living room

can’t do several of those today, cuz the places aren’t open. heh.

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