nice hair. *snort*

Got to hang out wiht Emface and Jen today, yaaay. We didn’t do much. Went to EnP for some food, then sat at Jen’s for a bit. Then Em and I went to an ice cream social/art auction. I didn’t win any thing, but I bought some books, of course. Half price and such. 2 that I’ve been wanting to read, one a classic- Animal Farm. Nope, never read it, can you believe that??. And also Lovely Bones. Plus another that just caught my eye with the title Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat. I almost knew from the second I saw it that I would end up buying it, even tho I had no idea what it was about. I mean, a title like that? Just says “yum!” to me, in Bookspeak, of course. And then the blurbs says “A distinctive new voice with a sensitive insight into Haitian culture…Danticat imbues it with color and magic” “A wise child’s exploration- sensual, moving, clear-sighted as the pearly mornings that dawn in her Haitian sky” and “Sexual traumas link a Haitian mother and her daughter in this wonderfully self-assured debut…Danticat keeps graceful control of this difficult material while adroitly sketching the larger political context and making both peasants and pediatricians equally convincing. An impressive first outing.” So. It just seemed like a me book. And the fourth is a book of short stories by Barbara Kingsolver. I don’t remember if I really enjoyed them the first time around, but I figured I’d give them a second try. For five bucks why not, ya know? So. 4 books for about $16. Not bad, not bad.

Had a lovely, lovely bike ride home in the rain. A good rain, not cold or whipping winds or anything. I actually took the long way cuz I was enjoying it so much.

Heh. On our way in to the store, crossing the street (Em drove us there from Jen’s), I ran and jumped in a huge puddle. Soaked my jeans nearly to my knees. *grin* It was great fun!!!!! Got really perturbed on my way home, cuz I passed a woman yelling at her toddler to stop jumping in puddles. I was like, dude. He’s not dawdling, he’s not even straying away. He’s just happily jumping in to the puddles that happen to chance beneath his feet. They’re both already soaked from the rain falling. It’s not freezing outside. What the hell’s wrong with a jump in a puddle???


I’m ultra nervous about this job tomorrow. Nervous that I’ll sleep in or fuck up or something. Argh. Everyone keeps telling me I’ll be great at it. Yeah. Just like I was great at nursing school? Argh. Ok. Being pessimistic. Need to stop being that.

But I’m still nervous.

Sleepy time, I’m exhausted.

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August 27, 2006

Haha, I know what you mean by “Bookspeak.” I just bought a book called, The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. It just was begging me to read it! It’s really good so far, I recommend it!

what’s E n P? -exhilaration.

August 27, 2006

“the Lovely Bones” … really fantastic book… but be forewarned — it’s SUPER heavy. very graphic, very detailed. but fabulous. enjoy 🙂 *hugs*

August 28, 2006

i think i would have purchased such a book, too. nice bike ride, eh? xox

I adored “The Lovely Bones”… I sobbed to read it, but still completely adored it. Hope you have a fab first day. xxoo,

August 28, 2006

I am glad that some of us know the importance of puddle jumping. Best of luck today. Hugs.