photo laden

Work was ok last nite. I pretty much did my job, kept to myself, and maintained a mostly ok mood thru the nite. Except when the nurse medicated one guy un-necessarily. Yes, he was being loud. But he wasn’t, at that pint, disturbing anyone else and he was in the quiet room so so it’s not like he was disturbing a roomate or anything either. And he wasn’t being aggressive, tho he did shout at us a few times. Mostly he was just having problems sleeping and screaming in his sleep. And when he was yelling at us, it was simply out of frustration of not being understood. No wonder we can’t understand him, he’s snowed on meds. *rolls eyes* So let’s give him MORE. That’ll solve it, right???? Idiots.

Anyways. After work, I got home and the fog was amazing, so I decided to bike up to the cemetary and see if I could get any good pics. I got a few, not great but decent. They don’t quite convey the mood I don’t think. Dunno.

Anyhow. As I was riding home, I found that it was Farmer’s Market Day in the park across from my house, so I rode around and looked at stuff. Went and put my bike away and walked back over. Saw some loverly flowers that just screamed “M!!!!” at me, so I hung around til they rang the bell and bought them. Took them to M’s, and RB was coming down so I got him breakfast and sat and watched Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius with him for a bit. Then M came down and I went back to the Farmer’s Market to get them some cinnamon rolls and cookies.

Took those back, chatted with M for a bit, looked at the pics of her cruise (JEALOUS!!!!!!), and then headed home. But stopped at the FM again and bought myself some apples and a little yellow watermelon that looked scrumptious. wOoT.

So. Pictures galore. They’re kinda big.

The sun coming thru the trees. The tendril effect doesn’t show up as well thru the camera lense as thru the eye, but still.

Trying to capture the spider’s line hanging down from the tree. There were a few of them, but these two are the only one’s that had dew/caught the light enough to show

This one just caught me. I sat for a while and ran my fingers along the marble. The smooth, the rough, the mossy. It was so cold. It sent weird shivers thru me. It took my breath away…

This is one of the cannon’s in the park.

The next few are kinda self-explanatory. A “perfect” spider’s web in the bush. I didn’t capture it as well as I would’ve liked to’ve done. lah. Tried to photoshop it up so it was more discernable.

These too, are self explanatory. There was a bunch of sunflowers across the alley from the entrance to the cemetary. I only got a shot of one before the dogs on the other side of the fence started at me…..

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examples of a few of the reasons i adore you. -aj

August 26, 2006

Amazing. Huge hugs.

You are an awesome photographer! I particularly like the final effect you added to the flower.

Oh I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE these!!! I’m such a sucker for misty morning (and Mundae) sunrises! And I’ve been meaning to get to a cemetary to do some reference shots for watercolors, but just haven’t gotten around to it. What functions did you use in Photoshop to try to bring out the spider web? I think it looks the best in the monotone just above the B&W. I also really like the last two sunflower shots as well. =o)

August 26, 2006

beautiful!!!! those are great pics.

August 26, 2006

Wow — That dog bugs me so much. Don’t care for the owners much either.

August 26, 2006

and i thought i was the only “crazy” who hung out in and took pictures of old grave yards. we’re friends. hearts. xoxo *~

love, love, love your photos 😀 & YOU too! 🙂

WOW!!! Found you at random and perused your Pix Chapter. You are VERY GIFTED!!!