Will Good

Didn’t do much today. Wanted to get out to the HS to take a look around so I’m not feeling like a complete dumbass when school starts on Monday, but I ended up sleeping too late for such things.

Did manage to get to the Goodwill, as I found out that jeans are not appropriate attire for me to wear to work. Which sucks, as my wardrobe generally consists of jeans. I have a few pair of ill-fitting khaki’s, and a skirt or two that I’ll wear. But otherwise, not much. So. I decided to go on a shopping spree. Took $100 to Goodwill to see what I could do.

Ended up with 2 pairs of shoes, 2 skirts, 1 shirt, and 3 or 4 pair of dress pants. And I only spent $25 🙂 Didn’t do so well finding tops as I’d’ve liked to’ve done. I mean, I have more-than plenty winter stuff, but not so much summer-y, warm weather stuff. It’ll be ok tho, I guess. I’ll make do.

I have to work tonite. Boo. And tomorrow nite.

I’m seriously reconsidering the whole working weekends thing. Other than the fact that I have no idea WHEN I’m gonna see AJ next *screams* I also don’t know how much the full time job thru the week is gonna wear me out. But I don’t wanna quit at the psych center- it’s a good fall-back place. Not to mention, TSS hours tend to dwindle significantly in the summer time.

Oh, while I was at the goodwill, I ran in to the lady who is my case worker for Big Brother Big Sisters, and she said she had a kid in mind and would hopefully call me Monday about it! WoOt! Another thing to fit in my schedule. Eheh…

No, I’m actually looking forward to that, too.

And for some reason lately, I’ve been highly considering grad school for psychology. ha.

Right. Perhaps that’s a dumb idea, since my student loans are apparently already so far in default that they’re gonna turn me in. Oops. Need to call them on Monday too. Wee.

Need to leave for work or I’ll be late. blah.

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August 26, 2006

*HUG* Good luck with the new school year. I’m sure you’ll be awesome!!!

August 26, 2006

Lost on the Mobius Strip, so are you a Mobius stripper? And why the Mobius Strip, are you into geometry, I mean really, how many people really know what it is? 😉 *HUG*