busy day

up at 7 or so, after a nite of notgood sleep, due to not going to bed til later and not wanting to take sleepy pills in case I overslept (I did end up getting up and taking 1 seroquel around midnite or so).

Then off to Fire Safety in-service at the psych center, wee. Got to put out a fire. Hooray. *rolls eyes*

Then home. Tried to shave the cat some, but the clippers are crap, so went to Wally World and bought a new pair for $20. They seem to work much better. Also got crickets. Came home, shaved more of the cat (it takes a long time.) Did some online stuff, got a shower and rode my bike to the doctor’s office.

Had Dr appt. Dr BH got her hair cut, it’s ubercute. Well, she’s ubercute, so it’s not surprising. *grin*

Called Jen after the appt, and rode to her house where we feasted on tuscony bread and kool-aid. Then we rode to Adelina’s. Well. We rode to her old place, and when we couldn’t find her car, I called her and she’s like “Uh, I’m living somewhere else!” so then we rode to her NEW place. I hung out for a bit but then I had to leave cuz I had to go to training again tonite.

Went to training…the woman talks really loudly, but she’s nice enough. Came home, called AJ and am now chatting with G.

A good day.

Plus, talked to AJ about her maybe moving here, cuz as I’ve been driving around, there’ve been some ultracute houses for sale/rent. And the more I’ve thought about moving, the less I actually want to. I mean, I desperately want need to be with AJ, but I’ve grown to love it here. Not that I plan on staying here forever. But. I dunno. I’m finding that I do really love it here, and am content here, for now. And that, apparently, people CAN be gay and raise a family here. Not that I necessarily want to do that. Raise a family here, I mean. But still.

I dunno.

Lots and lots.

But AJ isn’t totally opposed to the idea, so YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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August 23, 2006


I hope it works out and she does move there. =o) And I wish I had as many local friends to hang out with as you do. RYN: I’m an OD free-er so I’m still stuck with a lousy 400 words per note. Whoopee!!!

August 25, 2006

*hugs* 🙂