emotional intelligence

that’s the name of the book sitting next to me at the computer. One of mum’s.

So. Only one more day. Tomorrow we head to H’s house, then Sunday I head home since I work Sunday nite. And then something next week, I start training for my new job, which I am definately looking forward to. Even tho I don’t know which kid I got yet.

Speaking of kids, they must’ve nixed me for the specific kid the BBBS lady was thinking of me for. She said the only reason she could think of that it wouldn’t work out is if they had a problem with me being gay. So I guess they did. That’s a shame.

I just spent a while outside helping mum garden. It’s really getting her down that she can’t weed and do all the stuff in her flowers that she normally does, and that they’re gonna die before the season is over. I feel bad too, but I have to get back to work, I can’t stay here another week, I just can’t afford it. Plus I have a doctor’s appt and missing a week of therapy has kinda thrown me for a loop, a bit. blah.

Mum bought me Mr & Mrs Smith today while we were out doing errands. When I had come in last week, she was watching the end of it, and I really loved it, but we couldn’t catch the beginning. But I said I’d like to buy it cuz I liked it and found it very amusing. And, of course, it has Angelina Jolie in it. Yummmmmmy. So, we saw it today and she got it for me, yay! I felt guilty for letting her buy it, since she just gave me a wad of cash the other day. But I woulda felt more guilty buying it with the cash instead of saving the $ for more important things. So. I guess it all works out in the end.

I’ve done 2 loads of laundry today. The third is in now and needs flipped. I’ll prolly vacuum the floor before we leave. I took out the trash. oi. Domesticity. barf. hehe.

Actually, it’s not so bad. I really don’t mind doing laundry when I don’t have to lug my stuff 20 minutes down the road and back and such. And it’s mum’s laundry anyways, so.

I’m exhausted. Got up at the buttcrack of dawn to help mum get ready for PT. Then did errands and such, and worked out in the very hot, humid day. Got some lovely pics of butterflies, I think tho. I hope so. I want a new camera. One that zoooooms. I’m so interested in detail, in capturing the up-close bits. But I can’t do that with my camera cuz it requires actually being….up close. lol.

Oops. I’m being beckoned again. Prolly wanting her feet rubbed. Which isn’t horrible, even if I do hate feet. It makes her feel better, at least.


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I’m glad you were there to help your mom. I wanna see the butterfly pics! And when you do get a new camera, be sure it has a macro lense. Those are great for the close-up details. =o)

I quite enjoyed Mr. and Mrs Smith, even though it didn’t get rave reviews from people. It’s just a fun movie with some nice eye candy (namely Ms. Jolie).

…of course I enjoyed Mr & Mrs Smith but I thought Angelina Jolie was alarming THIN. Eep. 🙂