knees and toes

Well, mum got thru surgery fine. Except the room she was going in to was still occupied cuz the pt didn’t leave til late, so she had to sit in recover for 3 hours. The doctor says she can leave on Saturday. She says she’ll be leaving on Friday cuz there ain’t no way, she says, that she’s staying til Saturday at that place. *rolls eyes*

I’m the one bringing her home from the hospital. I work Thursday nite and then I’m going to drive straight to her place on Friday morning after work and then see what’s up from there. As I was on the phone with H, I could hear mum in the background and she’s like “tell her to be here at 8am on the dot on Friday!!” Oi vey. Not happening!

So I’m staying Fri and Sat and Sun, H is going to be back on Sunday, I work on Monday, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat then driving right back to mum’s after work on Saturday and staying thru the week, or at least until she has the staples taken out and then possibly taking her to H’s house. Dunno yet tho.

She has to stay in town (mum does) for at least the first week, cuz they put her on coumadin (which she is NOT happy about), and so she has to has to have her PT checked every day or every other day (blood factor that checks to see how fast the blood clots.) And also for PT- physical therapy in that case.

Dammit, meant to ask H when she was going to fair this year. Argh. Oh well.

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I’m glad to hear she’s at least got the surgery behind her. I hope the rest of her recovery goes well. =o)

August 2, 2006

gald it went well – HH was on coumadin for four weeks – just went off.

August 2, 2006

xoxo *~