emedia guitar lessons

Wee! Went to Staples and splurged with the cash I had and bought a “how to play guitar” program for my computer. (it was only 9.99 🙂 Much better than the previous method of just trying to figure it out from online “courses” which are all text, I must say. This even has a tuner, where you play into a mic and it helps you tune. Woot!

Other things accomplished today:
-went to the petstore and got crickets for the emaciated froggies
-went to wally world and got some woolite pet and stain stuff. Seems to have worked better on the catpan area than much of the other things I’ve tried.
-vacuumed the stairs and foyer
-went by the post office and finally mailed some (not all) of the stuff I’ve been needing to mail for, literally, weeks.

Just need to finish the bedroom. And the other half of the dishes. Wee. Oh yes, also
-called mum

Tried to figure out what’s going on for the next few weeks in relation to her knee replacement surgery on Wednesday. No clue tho. heh.

Need to do laundry again, but I think I’ll lug it all to mum’s house. Will need *something* to occupy me while I’m there!

So. I’m totally in love with these sans-chicken nuggets I got at the health food store a few weeks ago. They have the perfect texture!!! (Morning Star is too gritty for me, if I recall. And the others I’ve tried either taste gross or feel icky). But these are awesome. I can’t remember if they’re made of corn or if they’re “korn” brand? Is there a Korn brand? Of course I threw out the box without thinking to make note of the name. Oh well. Will have to go see if I can find them maybe tomorrow.

Oh, also bought a clorox readymop at wally world. It was cheaper than the swifter, but I’m thinking maybe I shoulda gotten the swifter. *sigh* We’ll see tho.

Right now I’m melting and the living room is much cooler than the bedroom, so I’m gonna go watch some more X-Files I guess 🙂

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August 1, 2006

i wonder if a swifter would have been swifter.:D

August 1, 2006

Can I please have a small vice? Would you rather I drink very heavily or do drugs or eat loads of crap?

I want to hear you jam on the guitar. 🙂

oooo… X-Files… 🙂

Random noter… woww interesting, I just get myself a cover for my guitar today and got a how to learn the guitar book wondering if I was nuts or what ? and here u are by the looks of it trying to do the same?? 🙂 I feel happy now. Maybe we can exchange progress???