things afoot.

nothing major. strained ligaments, he thinks. Wrapped it, gave me a script for naproxem sodium (aleve, heavy strength essentially), told me to ice it and elevate it and otherwise it should be better in a few weeks. Tho it still hurts like a mofo to walk on it. *sigh*

And as usual, there’s fluid in my ears. le’sigh. You’d think, given that I ALWAYS have fluid in my ears, they’d figure out something that they could DO about it! eesh.

I consolidated my loans (10 of them, apparently). Interest rate of 5.375 (is that good?) After it’s all said and done, I’ll have paid 78,027.02 *blinks* And it will take me until 2031 to pay it off. I’ll only be….57? Which is funny, cuz my unpaid principal is only 42,695.76 So in the end, I end up paying almost double what I got? Gee, no one tells you that at the beginning. At least, not in understandable, comprehendable terms. Now the question is, can I afford another $260/month?? I’d say, right now, the answer is no fucking way.

But. I have an appt to see Dr. D tomorrow at 10am, concerning TSS jobs, which pay more (I hope) than I make now. And might possibly be full time. So. Full time plus staying on some at the psych center…maybe I can swing it? *sigh*

Any thoughts I ever had about returning to school for ANYthing are no null and void. Just have to make do with what I’ve got.

Which, right now, is a killer headache and/or earache, and a very sore ankle, after mr dr boy fenagled it all around every which way. And to top it all off, I work tonite! Hoo-ray.


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(((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) …extra long ones… 🙂 xxoo,

July 25, 2006

Null and void are awfully strong words.

July 25, 2006

If you look around, there’s lots of times ways to knock down some of what you have to pay out in student loans. Usually involves doing something (like AmeriCorp, the Peace Corps or teaching), but worth investigating, maybe. Wouldn’t have been so bad if rates hadn’t started jumping so high recently. They’ve doubled in the past year or so.