life span human development.

Yes, I’m still around, technically. My internet’s been crappy lately, dialing in at a whopping 14.2 kbps *rolls eyes*

But it’s more than that. I just don’t feel like writing here. Or reading, really, for that matter. Tho I’ve read a bit, here and there. For some reason like, half of my faves are all involved in enigmatic issues, which is fine of course. But I’ve been frustrated enough, trying to get online, and then clicking page after page of entries that I don’t understand and have no clue what the hell they’re talking about hasn’t enticed me to keep perusing. I’m not complaining, just stating. *shrugs* Gawd knows I’ve had my periods of the same.

It’s so freaking hot in my apartment I feel like I get heat stroke just walking to the bathroom in the morning. bleurgh. Have I mentioned lately how much I detest summer?

Therapy was interesting this week. J not only ‘kicked’ me, she also ‘threatened’ to spray me with the hose outside. *grin* I told her that when I finally get around to writing my book, I’m gonna have a whole lot of fodder for it. hehe. I chatted with Homie earlier today and she asked me what I thought made J such a good therapist. It was an interesting conversation. “She’s weird” definately makes the list tho.

We’re discovering (ha) that I’m pretty shite at talking about relationships. No shit shirlock. eheh. Part of that is cuz I’m generally afraid to jinx any that I have and another is that I have two modes: Overanalytic and Avoidant.

I got a few gouges in my arm from a code at work this last week and the one is itchy as all get out. I think it was/is getting infected. Bleurgh.

I got my eyebrow jewelry changed. And then the ball fell off not 2 hours later. So after I had lunch and went to the bookstore with L today, I stopped back at the piercing studio and got it fixed. Wee. According to Glen, I have a “minor irritation” going on. He didn’t have to lance it, so that’s nice. He cleaned it out real good for me and I just need to keep on it as far as cleaning goes for a few weeks. Summer is yicky, I get all sweaty and lazy. More lazy than usual. *sigh*

I’m going to AJ’s tomorrow for a bit of a long weekend, yaaay! We’ve been having some email conversations this week that worry me. There’s just lots of room for miscommunication. As J puts it, it’s like we’re speaking different dialects of the same language sometimes.

A friend and I are giving each other poetry assignments. My most recent:
poem in semi-short four line
stanzas, topic: sunburn,
metaphors alloweddddh.
expand as you wishhh.

creatively speaking, dotdotdot.

My creation:

solitary sundays

evening light pours
through prisms
burning rainbows
upon offwhite walls

cats laze in splotches
of lateday sun
as I burn noodles:
failed domesticity.

songs steeped strong
in childhood drift to
my memoryplace. sun-
shine on my shoulders,

rocky mountain highs
and annie’s songs fill
up my senses, coax
salted water rimward.

twentyplus years to
realize how easily the
sun’s rays had silently
infiltrated every pore,

leaving traces lodged
deeper than the sun-
soaked skin that peeled
deceptively from the rest.
©p!bp 7.18.06/6.33p

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bah at favorites and their enigmatic issues. love the poem. <3

thanks. i’m adding you to favorites ^.-

Thank goodness I’m still plain ol’ boring me. =o) And I liked the poem too.