astrid’s oleanders

So, I definately got another “preventative counseling” non writeup write up at work. This time not for being insubordinate, but for calling off three times in the span of six months which is apparently excessive.

Ok. I understand policy and all that shit. But it’d be nice if they’d take like…other things in to consideration. Like the fact that yes, I called off three times in 6 months. But how many times in those same months did I come in at the drop of a hat, stay late, do more than necessary? Or the fact that the first call off was the week I found out about failing nursing school. The second was the nite I ended up going IP. The third, ok, they can get me on that one, that’s the one where I called off to go to NYC.

I understand that a lot of people call off just for fuck’s sake, to party or whatever. I’m not one of those people. I rarely call off unless I’ve put a whole LOT of guilt and worry in to it. Because I HATE leaving nite shift in a bind.

I’m not only annoyed by the warning, I’m also annoyed that Donna has to give it to me, cuz she HATES doing shit like that. Especially since she knows I’m not one to just call off for the hell of it.

But I made sure to add my comments in the “Comments” section, as usual. heh. What’s that Ani line? “If I’m going down, I’m gonna know what for…”? Something like that. I will not go gently in to that still nite….. Times like these is when I can clearly see benefits of therapy. A year ago, 2 years ago…hell, 6 months ago…I never would’ve even said anything. But even if it accomplishes nothing in the eyes of the Higher Ups, it makes ME feel better for having said my say.

*sigh* Donna gave me her pre-altered schedule she made. I’m scheduled to work July 6, 7, 8 AND 9th. *whine* That’s AJ and I’s 1 year anniversary. I’m totally bummed. But. I’m also only scheduled for 9 days (BAD BAD BAD), so I can’t complain. Also I did get the 21st and 22nd off, which I requested, to go up to Jen’s picnic with AJ, so. THere’s that at least.

Mum is having complete knee replacement surgery on August 2nd. My sister is taking a week off and mum is supposedly going there to recuperate. I need to see about taking time off and helping out too. Mum actually emailed me yesterday. Father’s day. Part of what she said was:

Just a quicky, to say Happy Fathers Day. Wish I had provided a better role model for you, but he’s all there is and will just have to do. Use your imagination!! I have to joke about it, or cry a lot!!!

Which is kinda funny cuz I had thought about sending her a card THANKING her for…I dunno. Being father and mother. And even if she didn’t provide a good male role figure, she herself did a good job of making sure I had all that I needed. lah.

I have the urge to get all of my poetry organized. Most of it is on my computer already. But I want to consolidate it all and burn it to cd, as well as print out hardcopies. Dunno why. lah.

I’m reading White Oleander right now. But I keep having to put it down, I’m finding it pretty intense. I already cried at it. heh. The writing style is very….poetic? There’s a great deal of imagery, and I’m curious as to whether the movie stayed true to it or not.

I have an earache. lah.

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June 19, 2006

Policy is policy is policy, is what my ex-employer said. It sucks. No one EVER sees the good (staying late, etc). RYN: Yep real horses meat. It’s very tasty, a bit rubbery, so you only use it as a sandwich meat. And no, horses aren’t mass produced for these reasons…This meat comes from horses that have ailments that require being executed ANYWAY…no horses just die for the meat 🙂

White Oleander–yes, definitely an INTENSE book. I’ve not yet seen the movie because I’m sort of worried that it won’t be *as* good. & that bugs me. 🙂 *g* at your worries as I do the same thing… click in & no access… click on the diary contents to make sure the (f) entries are still available to me. 😀 That entry just seemed very *whiny* & ICK after I posted it. *shrug*

& I wandered off sometime last week into Coyote Kismet’s OD after reading about her on yours… Wow. Just… wow. I think I’m in love. 🙂 She’s amazing! So I guess this note is to thank you for talking about your favorite favorites or whatever that entry was awhile back?

I need to work on being able to fill out the comment section, myself. And I hope your ear feels better. RYN: And I got your island right here… >=oP

ryn: …money’s NOT everything??!! 😀 Ok… so it’s not (saying it but still not buying it) but dang… having even a *little* bit extra sure would be NICE! 🙂

June 19, 2006


June 19, 2006

the book is wonderful… the movie left a lot to be desired. do yourself a favor, and don’t watch it… the book is far too beautiful. *hugs*

It’s a shame that employees don’t usually get recognized for the “above and beyond” things nearly enough and yet get nailed by the dumb things. That’s employment for you.

June 20, 2006

I was going through some old entries and notes. Just wanted to pop in and say “Hi” That is awesome to read you and AJ are still together. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you should publish your poetry via cafe press. -bc