things i hate: (disgusting, graphic.)

throwing up at work.
which i did last nite. about four times, until nothing but dry heaves were happening. i’d do a few charts, go throw up. do a round of room checks, some random paperwork, go throw up. UGH.

my throat burns. needless to say, there wasn’t a whole lot of anything TO come up. so before the dry heaves came the bile. bleeeeeeeeeeeuuuurgh.

and of course it was like, 1am when it all started. And the first time I thought maybe it was just my stomach hating the antibiotic I took before work, and I told Mary i was fine and could stay. But by the third time, the dizziness had arrived along with the pounding headache, sweating one moment, chills the next and I decided to rethink the whole Staying thing. So by then it was about 2am and no one was about to come in and even tho there were six staff on (a bit of a rarity on nite shift), 4 were on the other side, as they had 23+ patients, many of whom are quite psychotic and/or high maintenance AND were getting slammed with 4 admissions, so none of them could come over. And Mary couldn’t work on the unit alone for the whole rest of the nite. So I kept ploddng thru the charts with many pauses to try to figure out what the hell I was doing- It took me FOREVER to get thru a measly 9 charts. (Yeah, only 9 kids, and 5 due for discharge today, eef)

Mary did eventually find someone to come in- Sabrina (the teenage witch…) and I left. I had finished all the work by then, so basically all she would’ve had to do was sit there, do rounds. Maybe there was stuff to check in, I’m not sure. So I didn’t feel too awful bad about it. *sigh*

I dunno if it was just a reaction/something related to the meds or what. bleurgh. They’ve been making me feel icky ever since I started taking them, but still.

I feel ok this morning. Headache is still hanging around. I did just take my meds again tho. (cuz, ya know, it’s not good to stop an antibiotic midcourse, and I -have- been on it for five days with only today and tomorrow left, so I figure it’s not gonna kill me or anything. tho i do have a call in to my dr. wee.)


wee, 6.6.06 heh. I put 06.06.06 on everything last nite, cuz I liked the symmetry of it.

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Oh, I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad. =o( Throwing up sucks the big one, but at least it usually makes for some fun stories later down the road.

June 6, 2006

at my age when i vomit i pee in my pants!

ryn: Ummm… Mr. Roboto was nude? Heh, I know many limericks are dirty, but I never realized it was a rule. But I apologize for the lack of smut.

June 6, 2006

oooh – hope you are all better – call if you need anything… broth, Pepto, whatever

I’m sorry you were sick & all… but…. ryn: omg. *laughs* out loud & fo’ real. Have I told you that I loved you lately?? Cuz I soooo do. 😉 xxoo,