go tarts

My neighbors are really ticking me off. They’re running around downstairs like elephants, laughing and giggling. I mean, I’m glad they’re having fun, but I was trying to sleep. I worked last nite and then had breakfast with M this morning. Then tried to sleep some more but didn’t get much in before it was time to get up and get ready for therapy. Then therapy.

Therapy was….rough today. I was somewhat exhausted, which tends to make me more babble-y than usual. Which is, technically, a good thing. And I said more than I normally woulda prolly said I think. But. It also drains me. I dunno. I’m feeling very….emotionally roller coastery today. My moods’ve been somewhat stable lately, so I’m not as used to the labile quality. meh. It’s cold in here.

The walk home was lovely tho, the weather was about perfect. For spring at least. It’s summer, technically, I guess.

I hate summer.

I think I have an abscessed tooth. Abcessed? however you spell it. Shit. It doesn’t hurt. But it like…tastes gross. And the tooth keeps chipping away and it’s REALLY sharp right now.

Perhaps this is TMI. *sigh*

I played around on photoshop and Facebook and such for a bit, trying to stay awake til a more reasonable sleep time, so that I can be awake tomorrow and CLEAN my disgusting apartment. Need to also remember to make car payment tomorrow. I actually have enough money in my account. Yay! Of course, I can’t use my one credit card, cuz I’m about 4 months and $800 behind on payments. heh. Hooray for debt……..

I tried to feel guilty about going to NYC and spending so much money. But all told, I spent precisely $390. That’s including lodging, gas, parking, food, the bus that took us from the city to the airport, souvenirs. Everything. That seems like a lot. But. Lodging was $179. Parking $24. Bus $26. Subway pass $25ish….So I really only spent $ on necessities. Of course, AJ paid for a lot of things too. I didn’t really keep track. Sometimes she paid, sometimes I paid. We figure it’ll all equal out by the time we’re 90, and even if it doesn’t, so what! But anyways….$175 of that was my tax refund anyways.

My point is- I’m feeling NO guilt for the trip. Which is pretty fucking amazing for me. But, it was such a wonderful trip and I just really needed it, especially to get away with AJ for what felt like a real (albeit very, very short) vacation. I haven’t gone on a real vacation prolly since Mardi Gras! That was 3 years ago!! So. Yay for me. 🙂

Ok. I think I’m gonna take some seroquel & go to sleep.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do believe Mariska Hargity is on the radio doing a commercial about autism. She is yummy.

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the check’s in the mail! (no, really) -bc

May 23, 2006

ryn: sometimes i just get so impatient…. so tired of “time”. when you want it to last forever, it goes by so quickly, and when you want it to speed up it goes slowly. but yeah… i understand.

I confirm your thought that Mariska is yummy! And I’m not allowed to have Go Tarts since I’m so rarely “on the go.” =o(

May 24, 2006

yay for no guilt!

Mariska Hargitay is YUMMY (she deserves all caps in the word yummy I think 🙂 indeed!! & seriously $390 for a mini-vacation is NOT a lot & nothing to feel guilty about. Phhbbbllt… on debt. ((hugs))

June 5, 2006

you gotta live and have fun, whats the point of working if you never enjoy. dont feel no guilt no. (dont you love that last line?)