NYNY (picture laden, quite.) Part 1

Wow. Quite the speedy visit to NYC. But wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!! The only bad part was that we never managed to meet up with ME. :o( Next time tho. Next time. Oh, and the place we stayed didn’t have warm water at noon. So no showers for us, lol! Thankfully, we didn’t feel *too* grubby and, thanks to NY smoking laws, we didn’t reek of nasty cig smoke even tho we had gone to a bar the nite before!!!

So. We ended up leaving way later than planned on Sunday, due to me being exhausted. But, we made decent time, despite crappy traffic and construction.

Saw some interesting sights on our way in. Such as the rainbow truck with the vacuum cleaner on it. AJ and I got a kick out of it, wondering what in the hell it was symbolizing….

Also saw a fun sign at the McDonalds that we stopped at.

Found our way in to long term parking at Newark Airport. That was fun. Managed to get to the city and, after a few unsuccessful attempts, get the subway to where we were staying. It was only a block away! The most difficult part of all that was finding our way from where the airport shuttlebus dropped us off to Grand Central Station. Even tho it was right around the corner. However, it *was* late and dark and we *were* exhausted!

The place I found was SO cute. Small, but cheap, especially given its location and such. I know I don’t usually talk specifics on money, but. Come on…$79 a nite for an apt on W. 79th St….barely a block from one of the subway lines that goes everywhere we wanted to get to, basically…And it was clean and didn’t smell and there were no unidentifiable stains anywhere and it was quiet. I was rather proud of myself, actually, for how good the place turned out to be.

the cool couch in the lobby

from the farthest corner of the bed

from the same corner- a view of the…kitchen? 🙂 Sink, fridge, microwave.

from the door. the bed, the door is the bathroom

from the bathroom

Well, we were exhausted, but we still had decided to go out and see Christopher Street, and find the Stonewall Inn. Well. It took us a few tries, but we made it eventually!!!

Jay had told me about it a few days earlier, so I wasn’t as surprised as I would’ve been. I dunno, when I think of Stonewall, I think of…stones. Maybe some wood panelling. hehe. No. Think: gay bar. 70’s. 🙂 It was cute tho. And there were only like, 5 people there, so it was nice and quiet. The bartender (Mikey), gave us a free game of pool. And I didn’t know what I wanted, so he asked what I liked and I like sweet stuff, so he made me a Pan-galactic Gargleblaster! (anyone who knows what that’s from gets a cookie!!) it was YUMMY. He was a bit…out of it. He mentioned something about “that’s what happens when you get high before work” or something, or drinking while he worked or something like that. He was very nice and quite cute 🙂 I think AJ got his email addie. Thruout the course of the nite, I had 2 PGG’s and three shots. The first round of shots was for one of the “bouncer’s” who was apparently a mother. So, in honour of mother’s day, someone bought everyone a round. I’m not sure what the other two rounds were for, but they were also free. I’m not sure how completely blitzed I was by the time this was taken, but it’s a nice shot of the tiger-print couch!

Oi, I worked last nite, so I’m exhausted, and I need to go drop off my Rx’s at the drugstore. Wee.

Next: Subway Crazies and The Things We’ll Do When Drunk! hehe. Also to come: Adventures in Central Park and Times Square!

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May 18, 2006

love the pics. 😀

May 18, 2006


ooo… LOVE the couch!! 🙂 & yep. That’d be a decent apt. for NY!! 🙂 (my gf’s wasn’t all that much bigger & cost her around $1200/month. SOOO… finding a spot to stay for 79 a night that was clean & quiet? GREAT find!! 😉 Can’t wait to see the rest of the pics!

Looks and sounds like a good time. Can’t wait to see more pics. =o)

May 19, 2006

Did it really feel like you were being mugged? The drink, I mean :> I always wondered if the effect was more from that Ol’ Janx Spirit or from the water from the seas Santraginus…

Awww, the happy couple! 🙂

May 19, 2006

yay…new york! xox *~

May 20, 2006

looks faboo