M’s garden! (photorific)

Random pics I took today at M’s….

thru the lattice-work of under her porch. (Well, actually I cropped out the lattice-work, so all you see is the chickenwire…) Porches with space underneath intrigue me. They’re common here, but weren’t were I grew up….I’d often read about them in my books and not understand what they were trying to describe, I couldn’t picture it. Now I can 🙂

The swing hanging from the grape arbor.

Rocking chair on the front porch. That’s where I go when things get tense and I can’t bring myself to leave-leave…Or else just where I go to be calm.

The front porch fountain. Part of what makes the rocking chair so calming!

Ok, the other pics have mostly been photoshopped in some way or another. But this one hasn’t been touched!!! Not even to adjust for brightness or contrast or ANYthing! I think it’s yummy.

I have a feeling that DB is responsible for the butterflies. Tho perhaps it was RB who put one extending from the puppy’s head….

not altered 🙂

RB’s last tricycle.


Not so thrilled with these pics, but they’re ok-ish. lah. Wanting a real camera. A real digital camera, that is. One day, one day….

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April 26, 2006

You have a good eye. My pics are terrible.

April 26, 2006


April 26, 2006

I *love* the swing and the tricycle. =o)

April 26, 2006

i love the fountain one. xoxo *~

-buttprints, so you know i’m here.-

the un-photoshopped pics… WOW! The first one is my most favorite though… something about it makes me feel calm & sleepy in a good (odd? 🙂 oddly good? I dunno) way.

…what kind of camera do you use? Your pics have a nice clarity to them for using a camera that’s not… *g* real. 😉 (((hugs)))

July 11, 2006

yeah – of course I saw these. duh. way cool.