Oh boy (photoheavy)

Six years old already? Hard to believe. Life changes so much.

I know I tend to talk about RB a lot and perhaps am more attached to him than I should be. But. He is responsible for…well…a HUGE amount of the positives in my life. I mean, I had known his father for, what, 3 years before he was born, but it wasn’t until that fateful day in dance class when M offhandedly said “Oh, and hey if any of you babysit, let me know!!” at the end of class and I steeled myself up and eeked over to her and mentioned that I did.

And the adventures began 🙂

Without RB I prolly never woulda gotten the chance to meet my most favouritest summersister EVER, and the sweetest little girl on the planet.

Never would’ve had a summer of pure bliss with daily homecooked meals, heartfelt hugs, and plenty of furballs to keep me company when the two-legged family was away.

Prolly never would become so close with the most amazing woman I’ve probably ever met.

Never would’ve seen New Orleans and Mardi Gras

Never woulda learned how to give breathing treatments!

Or learned what a special time BedTime Snack time can be

Or the joy of a boy and his dinosaurs!

And, even if it’s not mine to feel, I finally experienced what Pride was all about. I didn’t birth ’em or raise ’em, but for a time I knew ’em better than most anyone around (except their parents, of course.) M often apologizes when she hears that people are like “Ohh, yeah, your RB’s/DB’s babysitter!” or “Yeah, I remember you! You’re…the babysitter” But it makes me smile, makes me proud. 🙂

He’s a special kid alright. Those two bring about a courage in me that I can never quite muster on my own.

J is always trying to remind me that she’s got this thing called uncoditional positive regard for me. It’s a hard concept for me to fathom. I’m certainly not one for unconditional positive selfregard.

And, I suppose most children, all babies really, love unconditionally. But I’ve been babysitting since i was 12 years old. And never before have I been loved like those two seem to love me. That’s not me in the picture, but. It sure is love. 🙂

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jeez louise. I’m CRYING again. ACK ACK ACK… 🙂 Ok. So… good tears (most of them have been this past week but holy cows, I wish I could flippin’ TALK lately without getting all sappy & sentimental. GAWD). 😀 …a good babysitter is more than just *that*. A GOOD babysitter becomes her own integral part of a family unit. & that is a hard thing to come by (speaking as a Mom who can’t seem

to find a person like that again. *pout* :P)

Thank you for writing this. I needed to read it. =o)

March 21, 2006
March 21, 2006

i love these pictures. xoxo *~

March 22, 2006

This entry made me cry! (those children are precious. plain and simple). love,