
why does it never fail that my neighbors downstairs are doing laundry at 10o clock at nite, when I need to be taking a shower to get ready for work?

oh well. at least their doing of laundry doesn’t make my whole apartment shake, like happened with the previous tenants. tenents? whatevers.

mother nature’s son

secrets spilling sands
of time// moments breaking
like glass// hours of empty
clumping together like toad-
stools under the densest ferns

rain beats on the roof// plipplops
repetitively reminding me how
time marches on// i can no longer
keep count on my own// clock
faces cloak my confusion

minutes dripdrop into morning//
animals scritchscratch in the walls
but this does not bother me–
every creature deserves asylum from
the eye of Mother nature’s storm

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I think there’s a clause in Murphy’s Law that relates directly to the supply, or lack thereof, of hot water.