buckets o photos **edit**

testing this photobucket thing. the photos show up in weird proportions in the image browser thing, so i wonder how they’ll show up just in the entry…

some of my favourite memories….

RB at dinner in NOLA. The crawfish scared him at first. But then he made them talk and things. I don’t think he ever did eat one tho. (lol. I couldn’t eat them either until M took the heads off for me!!)

Me, RB, M, E, DB at Mardi Gras

🙂 RB and Topaz. Gah I loved that dog. I can’t believe what a midget RB looks like in this pic. He’ll be…six soon?? Unbelievable.

mmmm, babysitting one day and we both fell asleep while I was trying to get him to nap! NOTHING like falling alseep with a baby in your arms.

M & I

M & the kids. This is one of my very favourite pics of the three of them.

DB and Pitch 🙂 Can’t believe how young she looks here either. Oi.

Oops. hehe. I guess I should qualify…the beautiful kids? not mine! (lol. Well. only partially mine ;o) I’m their Summer Sister, you could say…) But yes, they are beautiful as is their mother. Their dad’s pretty cute too, for a guy. hehe.
captions added for clarity 🙂

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So *that’s* how you got your beads! =oP I really like these. Especially the 2nd and the 4th. =o)

March 6, 2006

love the photos! ur kids are gorgeous!Xxx

March 6, 2006

ooops loll sorry but ye theyr beautifulll:) tcXxxxlily

Pictures! Weeeeee! Nice. 🙂 ryn at d&f: LOL, if firebabe hadn’t gone and got her tubes tied, I’d be all for it. 😉

March 6, 2006

wow! in a dream?? that’s SO cool. i must’ve needed to be back in the US in some shape or form the other night 🙂 xoxo *~

*smiles* …love these pics–‘specially the napping one. 🙂 …because, yeah, there’s nothing like that–the *sleep* is even a different quality (I think)–somehome better.

ps. I meant to mention that I agree with your feelings/take on the dream. 🙂 & I love it that it made you giggle. 😀
