distraction’s a relative term

“70 Things About Me”

1. Initials: n b h

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: Heather- one of my best friends’ best friends.

3. Last thing you ate: Nekot S’mores cookies.

4. For or against same sex marriage: For. At least in theory.

6. Last person you hugged: Em. unless you count the kittie, who i randomly pick up and squeeze, cuz she tolerates it.

7. Do you believe in God: i don’t think so. at least, not the one that so many people fear.

8. How many US states have you been to: uhm. New York, Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, California, Washington, Florida, Loisiana, does DC count? So. 13 or 14 are states I’ve actually like, gone *to* as a destination. I didn’t count the ones I’ve just driven thru or had flight/bus layovers in…

9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in: one

10. Ever lived outside of the US: nope

11. Name something you like physically about yourself: My hair

12. Something non-physical you like about yourself: my compassion

13. What is your dads name: James Elmer

14. Why are you still up?: cuz my schedule is all wacked after working 2 nites in a row and then being up all nite last nite. not to mention i’m kind of an insomniac anyways…

15. Who made you angry today: myself

16. Favorite type of Food?: italian

17. Favorite holiday: not a fan of holidays mostly

18. Do you download music: yeah

19. What illegal things have you done: uhm. downloaded music…smoked pot…trespassed (generally only to take pictures and not like, IN a house or something. just in woods.)

20. Where would you want to go on a first date? how about a friends picnic? 🙂

21. Would you date the person who posted this before you?: I randomly stole it from someone so, no.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally: Yes. M has played guitar for me. AJ sings for me a lot, too. I hafta say, it’s one of the quicker ways to my heart and mind.

24. Do you like Bush: Not the presidential kind. :p

25. Have you ever bungee jumped: no, I’d prolly throw up

26. Have you ever white-water rafted: yep

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?: yeah

29. Have you met a real redneck: I guess it depends on how you define redneck?? But, sure, I’m somewhat surrounded by them.

30. How is the weather right now: probably cold, i dunno I’m inside and it’s 1am!

31. What song are you listening to right now: Summer Wind by Frank Sinatra

32. What are your current fav songs? “Bridges” by Tracy Chapman, “Everything” by Lifehouse, “No Day But Today” from Rent, “The Kite Song” by Patty Griffin

33. What was the last movie you watched? Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Stuuuupid. I was disappointed, I adore Kevin Smith’s movies. Ah well. At least it had funny bits.

34. Do you wear contacts: not in a while

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house: Em’s

36. What are you afraid of? life.

37. How many piercings and tattoo’s do you have? 1 tattoo. Ears are pierced twice each on the bottom and the left was pierced twice on the top too, but not anymore. Eyebrow was also, but not anymore (but I soooo badly want it redone.) (and am desperate for another tattoo. eheh.)

38. How many pets do you have: 3 cats, 1 frog, 1 snake

39. Have you ever loved someone: Very much

40. What turns you on?: ehm…

41. What do you usually order from Starbucks: Don’t go to starbucks. Would prolly order tea if they have it, as I don’t drink coffee things

42. Have you ever fired a gun: not that i recall

43. Are you missing someone: very much. *sigh*

44. Fave TV show? don’t watch tv. tho when i’m at m’s or h’s, i can’t pass law & order without watching.

45. Do you have an ipod?: no but i wish i did. music. mmmmm

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb? Yes but I can’t remember who

47. Whats your mom’s name: Glendalee

48. Who would you like to see right now: AJ

49. Favorite band of all time (ONLY ONE): impossible question :p if only one, then I’d have to pick the one I’ve listened to for the longest, which would be John Denver. But he’s not a band. :p

50. What would you do with a million dollars: pay my credit card bill and my school loans and buy a house for AJ, the animals, and I.

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren’t suppose to be doing? Sure

52. Favorite flower: lilies

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn: not a fan of popcorn. plain with a little salt, if anything

54. What books are you reading: Son of a Witch by Gregory Macquire and Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh

55. Have you ever ridden in a limo: Yep

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?: i guess

57. Do you watch MTV: no

58. What’s something that really bugs you: people who talk with their mouths full

59. Whats your favorite hobby?: writing

60. Do you like Michael Jackson: used to. love his older stuff

62. Favorite basketball team: uh…

63. Favorite cereal: puffed wheat. corn pops. golden crisps. golden grahams. etc

64. Do you drive: yes

65. What’s the longest time you’ve gone without sleep?: 4 days

66. Last time you went bowling: don’t remember

68. Who was your last phone call? AJ

69. Last time you were at work: Sunday

70. Whats your favorite state to be in: heh. contentedness.?

heh. Dunno where 5, 23, 28, 61 or 67 went to. curiouser and curiouser….

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#24–answer–YAY!! 😀 Absolutely LOVE your answer!! 😀