hey buddy….

heh. There’s something about me…people like to call me after spending several hours at the bar drinking. heh.

I just talked to Homie for an hour. 54 minutes. Admittedly, it was lovely to talk to her. Even tho she wasn’t really sober and I wasn’t really awake. It was nice (in a sad sort of way) to hear her admit that her douchebag of a boyfriend is controlling. Depressing tho, to hear her tell me how she thinks it’s the best she’ll ever do….that she will stay with him cuz she thinks she’s so fucked up that no one else will ever want her.

Which is SO untrue. This girl is an amazing, amazing person. Maybe I’m biased. But. She’s just….she has the most wonderful heart and soul. Trust isn’t my strongest suit, but Homie and I…I dunno, there’s just something between us. I’m not afraid to be honest with her, not afraid to tell her that I think her boyfriend is a dickhead and that I hate him. Because I trust that she believes me when I say “but I support you, which means I ‘accept’ the relationship and the choices you make with it.”

lah. At any rate. She’s making straight A’s again this semester, so that’s lovely to hear. Tho she says she feels not at all prepared to go out in the world. I think she underestimates herself tho. I believe that the components of a really good therapist are part education but also a large part just…personality, if that’s the right word? In-born traits that can’t necessarily be taught or learned. Homie definately has those traights.

I mean, not to say you can’t be an effective psychotherapist without them…oh wait, no. I am saying that. hehe. *shrugs* I guess you can be a *successful* therapist without them. But successful and effective aren’t necessarily the same. And, I suppose there are different kinds of therapies (is that a word…) that take different kinds of personalities. So. Mostly what I’m saying is that I think for a therapist to be effective for me, they would have to have some of those innate traits.

And I guess it makes sense that people without those traits prolly wouldn’t kick and scream to get in to the field of psychotherapy. heh. *shrugs*

Anyways. So after talking to Homie for an hour, I saw that AJ had txt’d me, but I guess I had been sleeping when she did 🙁 Feels like forever since I’ve talked to her. *sigh* I still am not used to her new schedule and so I don’t think to call her when she’ll be available and then I *do* think to call her, but at times when she’s at work. grrr.

I need to remember to go to M’s show tonite, as I work Friday and Saturday nite.

My tonsils are swollen I think. But I can’t figure out if it’s allergies or a sinus problem. I know I had a wretched fit of coughing earlier and the sputum was a bit blood tinged. So that’s not kewl. Should make a dr’s appt I suppose. bleh.

Should go back to bed.

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-big smooshy hugs-