Intolerantly Lactosic?

bleurgh. Ok. Eating cereal every day AND having ice cream twice in one week? My tummy would very much like to just gurgle itself out of my belly button and get it over with now. lah.

I’ve spent waaaaay too much time today working on my CD file. heh. I have 312 entries thus far. eep. I can’t wait til one day I can afford a cd player that changes. Er. Plays multiple cd’s? I’d listen to a lot more of my music more often instead of the same cd over and over, if I could just chuck a whole bunch in and press Random or whatever. I’m not talking crazy like 200 disc changer or anything. But. I dunno. 5ish would be cool. More would be awesome. One Day. One Day. lah. One Day.

So, I stopped over to Jen’s house today to get the Tobeco stuff to drop off for her, since she needed to get home to prepare for her mum’s memorial on Monday. She was….heh. Well. She was her. Intensified by like, 90 million. She’s quite difficult to explain. Prolly part of why I like her 🙂 Today she had that “AAHHHH” Kramer feeling about her. Kramer crossed with Phoebe from Friends, a little bit? *sigh* It’s hard to watch her a little tho. Cuz. I can see in her face…as soon as she slows down it’s like, her demeanor almost changes and her lip quivers and her eyes get all wet. Poor kid. I wish I could just hug her for a long time. But she’s not a huge fan of hugs. Which is weird to me, and I always have to remind myself to not hug her, cuz I generally hug most of my friends Hello and Goodbye. lah. AJ called while I was there and she sounded sad but I in the flurry of everything I didn’t really have time to talk to her. It’s gonna take some getting used to her working second shift.

Bob from work called today. Apparently one of our sister hospitals is closing down one of their units cuz they don’t have enough staffing to cover it?? So they’re possibly sending as many as 6 patients to us tonite. Geesum. So he called to see if I’d maybe be able to work tonite, if that happens. I said sure.

Got my deposit notification from work. It was bigger than I thought. I didn’t figure in the time and a half for the 11 hours of overtime I worked. Eep. But YAY. HolyfuckYAY. heh. I can pay my car payment AND credit card. Well, not yet today cuz it hasn’t come thru to my bank yet. But tomorrow definately, and the car pymt isn’t due til the 28th anyways, so. Yay. Oh! And hopefully I can even have enough left over to get my taxes done. Yippee…

H txt’d me and was like “You forgot the check for the car” lah. So I responded with “Didn’t know there was one. Besides, S seems pretty confident that i won’t be able to pay it back. it’s ok.” But she responded with “it’s already written” So. *shrugs* Dunno.

I should lay down and sleep in case they *do* call me in for work tonite. Especially with the way my stomach is rolling around. Ugh. I wonder if they have some test thing to know if I -am- lactose intolerant. Or rather, how severe it is. Not to mention I’m already tired from not sleeping well last nite. meh.

All the nice neat piles I had made of the..pile…I was organizing yesterday? Thanks to my lovely kitties, they are all spread all over. *rolls eyes* Silly creatures.

I kinda hope they DO call me to work, cuz then I can work and go to wally world in the morning and then go to Staples and get ink cartridges and then do my laundry and then schleeeeeeeeeeep for a long time. Need to figure out when we are leaving for Jen’s. Sunday prolly. Need to do laundry before then, and pack and things, obviously. Woot.

Adelina said she’d take Rocky if I was looking to get rid of him. I can’t decide. Ugh.

heh. This song just…gets me….

…i don’t want love to destroy me like it did my family. can’t we work it out, can’t we be a family. promise i’ll be better, mommy i’ll do anything. can’t we work it out, can’t we be a family. promise i’ll be better, daddy please don’t leave. …in our family portrait we look pretty happy, let’s play pretend, act like it comes naturally. in our family we look pretty happy we look pretty normal, let’s go back to that….i’ll be nicer, i’ll be so much better, i’ll do everything right, i won’t spill my milk at dinner, i’ll be your little girl forever, i’ll go to sleep at nite… -pink-

One thing I’ve learned in life? Never judge a family by the portrait or the scrapbooks. People never take pictures of the shitty times…..

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yaaaay for unexpected over-time monies!! xxoo,

February 23, 2006

Amen to that sister!! RYN: I really liked “Tatham Mound.” Considering that it’s one of his very few non-sic fi/fantasy books. “Good Omens” was funny too. I’m afraid to buy “Wicked” because I just keep hearing about how the play is a 1,000 times better and that the guy who wrote it does a lot of long rants against society. yeah, and who doesn’t do THAT??

February 23, 2006

RYN: Oh, and yes, you’re right. Dirk Gently was a character in Douglas Adams “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.” I realized, after I’d posted the entry, that the way I wrote that blurb kind of made it look like I was describing him as an author. Good catch!