listtodo ***edit***

-clean cat pan
-laundry away
-organize allies stuff
-bills -except car paymt which I can’t pay til my paycheck is deposited. and my credit card bill which, i don’t even know how much the min payment is anymore. heh.
-go thru Piles–find w2 from work study job!!!
-call tss place re: job -lady said to stop by and fill out application
-clean off bookshelf
-clean frogtank
-clean snakecage
-water plants
-clean off desk
-put cd’s back in case
-put dvd’s away
-empty trunk of car
-mp3s to cd for aj
-clean out inbox
-mail stuff to peeps
-charge palm pilot

-shave gel
-bar soap
-cat food
-kitty litter
-printer ink
-laundry detergent
-oil for car
-strawberry preserves

mostly? i wanna go back to bed.
resisting the urge. lah.

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