perfect for nachos

bleeeeeergh. I really hate non-productive coughs. Of course, I s’pose it’s prolly best, since every time it *does* manage to be productive, it’s blood tinged and such. So. And earlier there was a *hard* bloodtinged clump of gunk that came up.

It’d really suck if I had TB. heh.


I’ve actually decided tho, that it’s just PMS. Oddly, thinking back, (well, the thinking back isn’t the odd part..), I always get sick before hand. But usually with like, stomach/elimination issues, not with respiratory things. Tho, it has been prolly a few months, so I guess I’m due again. *sigh* *mutters about stupid nonuseful reproductive systems* (would that make them nonproductive reproductive?)

I dunno.

The cats are all hissing at each other. heh. They’re apparently not that bright and/or communicative. Cuz even Pandora and Journey are hissing at each other. *rolls eyes* Dorks. Piwacket (how the hell is that spelled…) mostly stays in the bathroom. I hope she’s come out to eat and such….I might set some food and water in there for her tonite. I mean, I know she comes out on occasion. lah.

I love my mum, really, I do. But she makes me want to stab myself in the brain. lah. But it was nice to see her, and Z and H of course. mmmm, I love me my baby Z!

lah. Interview tomorrow. I’m not prepared at all. No idea how to answer those “what are your strengths and weaknesses” questions. Heh. Mostly frustrated cuz I’ve no fucking idea what to wear since all my “nice” stuff is short sleeved and. Well. Other than the fact that it’s frigging COLD out, well, there’s also the other bit about one of my arms looking like a scratching post. Nothing new. But still. Not faded enough to just…bleh. Need new clothes. ick. I wouldn’t mind needing new clothes, now that I actually don’t HATE clothes, but for the fact that I’m less than broke and can’t *afford* new clothes.

ugh. my head feels like it’s in an unpressurized cabin about 10000 feet above sea level. Want to just poke myself in the ear and see if I can deflate it and feel better.

I’m sure I’ll have a lovely interview. “blahblahblahCOUGHCOUGHHACKSNEEZEblahblahblahblahSNEEEEEEERKblahblahblah” heh. *sigh*

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February 13, 2006

good luck!

1. He’s a cutey. 2. None of my cats get along. 3. My has felt like it needs to explode all night. 4. I hope you feel better.