hot guys?

Heh. I hafta say, I was having a difficult time choosing between the guys in their undies. Cuz I was like “ewwww?!” Hmm. I must be gay…

Mysterious boy
You scored 45% masculine, 47% athletic, 63% exotic, and 50% refined!

You like a man who is on the exotic side. Dark and mysterious but not over the top macho. You do, however like a little bit of bad boy in him and he sure knows what to do with his sleeker bod in the bedroom! Someone like…..Johnny Depp. But let’s face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 31% on masculine

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You scored higher than 9% on athletic

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You scored higher than 83% on exotic

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You scored higher than 57% on refined

Link: The What type of MAN turns you on Test written by thinkandcome on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

I’m going to get a shower and then pack and go to H’s. Wee. I think I have either really bad ouchie allergies or a sinus infection. But I guess I’m leaning towards allergies cuz all the ookie stuff I’m sneezing out of my nose is clear. Except for the occasional bloodtinge. heh. But I suspect that’s from the fact that I had just sneezed like, 4 times in a row. I dunno. My throat hurts and my nose hurts. But my eyes are also watery, so. I dunno. I’ll call the dr on Monday if it’s still there.

I’ve an interview for the shelter position that I applied for. lah. But I don’t even know how much the position pays. Ugh. And I have to take time from work to go to it! eesh. Oh well.

Work this week….was fine until Friday. Cuz there were 9 admissions after I left on Thursday. Making all their treatment plans due on SUNDAY. heh. Not gonna happen. Cuz I didn’t even get half the psych evals til midway thru the day. Oh well. I’ll maybe go in early on Monday. Especially since there’s bound to be a zillion new admits over the weekend. Urgh. Luckily JP is there to help on Monday. She was there on Wed and Thurs this week too, but I barely needed her cuz none of the hooplah happened til Friday! Of course. Oh well.

I need to get ready to go. meh.

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Glad you’re writing again — and accepting notes. Have a good trip! Hugs, J

yeah… the undies gave me this reaction, “Ok, I’m just gonna swing my hand up over that part of the monitor & Hmmm… what do I think of his FACE?” 😀 😉 I *d0* like Jude Law though… AND Johnny Depp (but then I kinda think they both have *some* certain kinds of feminine characteristics).

I wish they had a third option for ‘neither’ cause some of the choices are bleurgh. By refusing to pick several options I got myself Ashton Kutcher. Hm. I’ll stick to Jeremy Bloom. ~bc

Is there a “What type of WOMAN turns you on” test? I know what I like, so I’d be interested to see how close it would come to what I think I’m drawn to.

February 13, 2006

hehe…I’m such a dyke that I scored Brad Pitt. Melissa Etheridge claims he’s the “one man who could turn a lesbian.” 🙂 Of course, he’s her friend…she *would* say that…and I didn’t really see her ever jumping for him. He IS a cutie, though… GOD, nakedboys are scaryugly.