Bouncing baby boys

There’s nothing quite like the way a child clings….the way they grasp and grope and pinch and pull without ever meaning harm or ill-will…seeking only safety and a firm grip. (Get a firm grip, girl, before you let go…)

There’s nothing quite like the way a child melts on to you, as if you were the safest person in the whole entire world.

I wonder, sometimes, if everyone thinks worries about touch the way I do. I wonder, sometimes, if everyone bathes a child or changes his diaper or watches him streak, naked and giggling, across the bedroom floor and sends up a silent prayer something that this child is safe from lecherous people.

I wonder, sometimes, how someone can see a child and find it within themselves to do harm to such a perfect structure, to be able to mar such an innocent form of muscle and skin.

I wonder, after thinking these thoughts all of the time, if perhaps there isn’t something wrong with me, that I think them in the first place. It can’t be normal.

But whatever.

The latest of Z.

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January 31, 2006

Girl, if thinking those things ISN’T normal, then I want to be the craziest b*tch in three galaxies. HUGS

January 31, 2006

RYN: Ah yes, the elusive cork. Well, about five seconds after New Year’s, it popped out of its own accord. Which just proves my theory that inanimate objects have a bent sense of humor and horrible internal timing. *grin*

RYN: don’t care if you DID offend them. some of them offend me often enough that i don’t give three shits if they don’t like what my friends have to say. so there. you want me to pass your name on to cassie? -teasing.- she’s obsessing, and it’s irritating me. aheehehhee.

Thinking these things is normal, especially given your own current thoughts about your own past. Hugs, Jeanne

February 2, 2006

He’s beautiful, and so are you 😉

you are the most interesting person…you should write a book about your thoughts…i would definitely by it 🙂

I wrote the above comment, btw…my name on OD is Ribbons

February 4, 2006

Affiliated closely with pain and the pain (and insanity) of children and little people, how can you HELP but think those things? Just can’t let yourself get consumed by them; not EVERY child is hurt. (just too damn many…)