
Ugh. Work called me like, 95 times this morning. Ok. Maybe only 4 or 5. But still!! Excessive much?!

Apparently I’ll be filling in for Grace full time for two weeks. Eep!! Yay in respects to $$ but. Eep!! in respects to sanity. Cuz it means I’ll have to even do treatment team meetings and such. Ugh. Oh well. Queen Emphysema ok’d a few days of training next week, so I should be ok. heh. Just hope census stays somewhat sane. lah lah lah.

Therp today was….rather nice. heh. Had some tea which helped quell the queasiness in my stomach. I guess the difference btwn queasy and nausea, to me, is that nausea entails like, dizziness and feeling like your stomach is roiling and just ickyblah. Queasy (I’m not spelling that right, I don’t think) is more just that….feeling like you could throw up but mostly your stomach is kinda empty? Like the feeling I get when I’m too high up or have just gotten off an elevator. I dunno. P’raps it’s just a difference of how much food is in my stomach. Except there’s food in my stomach now and I definately feel like throwing up, but not nauseous. Maybe it’s the same thing. *shrugs*

Anyways. Then I did a personality profile thing while she read some of my journal, then we talked alot about the personality thing. And it’s really interesting. Wonder if I can find a link to it online?

Tho, a few of the questions are worded differently, which makes a difference! Prolly not enough of them to vitally change the scoring, but still! hehe. Consistency….pltzzz.

Anyways. I was way high on I and S (investigative and social), then A and C (artistic and conventional) and then low on R (realistic) and way low on E (enterprising). hehe. Apparently, high on S, I, and A are what usually comprise a psychology major. *grins and rolls eyes*

Anyways. It is interesting stuff. And J kinda switched in to ProfessorMode. Or, my idea of her as Prof!J at least, since I’ve never taken any of her classes. Made me smile. Plus she was wearing a dress with cats on it. 🙂

Lah. I have a ton of stuff I need to take care of before I go to H’s tomorrow. When last I checked, it was snowing quite a bit outside. Eeep. heh. After therp, I was walking home in the snow, which also made me smile, cuz it was big heavy snowflakes. More like snowflakeclumps, that you can feel plop on to you, and you can hear as they crinkle to the ground and trees….And I went to umart to get some milk and cereal and I got my stuff and went to the register and the kid was like “do you like snow?” I was like “Yeah, I love it!” and he smiled and was like “Yeah, you looked like you were just enjoying watching it fall in the sky as you were walking up to the door!” heh.

I definately have a long gray hair that’s growing above my ear, that hangs down the side of my face and is always catching the light and therefore catching my eye. I wonder why hair turns silver/gray? I mean. White makes some sense…loss of melanin and such, maybe. No idea if that’s the reason, but it would make sense. But to go from one colour to another and then to white? Cuz some ppl go gray, some white, some lose their hair before it has a chance to go any colour. I always mean to look up the answer to this but never do, or never can find it when I try.

I’m so tired right now. But my sleep is way off. *sigh* Wonder if the cymbalta will help with that any, or if I need to call Dr BH and see if she will write me a script or give me some more samples of lunesta. lah. Tho Dr F wasn’t fond of me being on it. heh. But he didn’t say to stop taking it. So. Then again, he didn’t necessarily say to stop taking the wellbutrin, but I haven’t started that up again. I guess cuz he did specifically say to start back on the synthroid. I assume if he wanted me to start on the wellbutrin too, he woulda said as such. lah.


I hope the snow doesn’t get too bad. I promised H I’d pick up Z at daycare tomorrow!!! Eeep.

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Rather nice? That’s a first! What made today “rather nice”? What can we bring into future sessions to make them work better? Hugs, J

I may have to take this profile. I’d like to see what I should do. ‘Bout time I got a clue. Good luck with the full time. =o)