nestle pure life

work last nite.
and again this afternoon. wee.

I’ve been tagged…..

Full Name: Tree Money-ish Closure

Age: 26

Birthdate: March 8

Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA

Graduate Of: the State school system

Lover of: AJ, children, music, AJ, cats (animals in general, I s’pose, but ‘specially my cats.), writing, photography. And AJ.

Not a lover of: life, right now. :op Or ppl who hurt children. Intolerance/unwillingness to at least consider various POV’s, even if unwilling to accept them as viable.


Virgin? I s’pose it depends on the definition. But. No.

Masturbate? Not really

Kiss of choice? One from AJ?

Sex on the mind? Sort of but prolly not in the traditional sense…

Favorite Position? Uh…

Porn? Not so much.

Last time having sex? uhm…

Ever had “cyber sex”? Sorta?

If so, last time? like…freshman year of college?

~Wild Side Child~

Piercings? had 4 in one ear, 2 in the other and one eyebrow but most all have grown closed. *sigh* REALLYREALLY want another eyebrow piercing.

Tattoos? Outside of right leg, just above the ankle. Want another. Just waiting for AJ to design it!

Smoke? Have, on occassion. Was what I called a “Summer Smoker” when I worked at CP. Now it mostly just makes me feel really ill.

Drugs? heh. Yeah. Mostly prescribed tho. When I take them. Oops. And the occasional mj. Like, maybe half a dozen times (or less) in my entire life.

Drink? On occasion.

~The Last~

Beverage: sprite

Food: wendy’s french fries

Song Listened to: “Light up my Room” by Barenaked Ladies

Phone Call: M

Text Message: H

Instant Message: SB

Missed Phonecall/Voicemail: AJ

Newspaper article read: something about the miner’s in WV and an article about Dadaism….

Game played: Something with bears and a bell. And MarioParty7

Movie/Show On TV: Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Purchase: Wendy’s fries

Site visited: deviantART

Bit of excitement: Pt about to go off during visiting today, but didn’t. Thankfully I missed the code that happened when I came home to sleep this morning. heh.

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Speaking of porn… did those DVDs arrive yet?? If not, give D hell for me! -bc

January 8, 2006

I love these things. No matter how hard I try, I always learn something about the person filling them in, yaknow?

January 9, 2006

Yeh, I’m not one for masterbating either. Wow, that was random. Anyway, I can’t remember the question you left on my diary…. love,

January 9, 2006

Oh yeah! I just drop in now and again to see how you’re doing. Is that okay? you’re fun too! love,