Stories drop from the moon like leaves of a lotus.

eheh. Well. Jay’s back in town. He took me out to dinner- EnP YAY!!! It seems like forever since I’ve eaten there. heh. Anyways. Then we went to WallyWorld and he bought some sort of game thing. X cube or something. With MarioParty. So we went back to his house and…well….eheh. Some of his roomies were home. So I hung out in the basement with the guys and just…chilled. eheh. :o}

ohmygawd it felt nice tho. I haven’t laughed like that in months. My ribs still hurt.

Then we went upstairs and played the video game and some card game with bears and ordered pizza and then Jay drove me home at like, 3am. heh. And I slept and got up this morning and still felt pretty chilled, so I went back to bed. Granted, I was running on about 3 hours sleep!

Then I finally got up and showered and went to the careerlink place and took care of some of that stuff. Need to write a cover letter. Hrm. Never had to write one of those before??

Need to pay my rent. Urgh. And do the dishes, put the laundry away, clean out the tank Satan had been living in, possibly switch the animals around and put the frogs in Rocky’s tank and Rocky in the big tank (erm. Not..quite in that order, of course…) but I dunno.

heh. Wow. J just wrote me an email that made me feel really, really good. heh. *rolls eyes* lah.
I have seen the work you’ve done in psychology and for [creative writing/poetry prof] and I know you are very bright and capable. I know that you write better, study more and have a broader range of interests and knowledge than our typical student. I think your mind shuts down when you get overwhelmed (esp. if you are also sleep-deprived) and it’s hard for you to dig your way out after that. But you did it with clinical. Kapeesh? [J]

She’s pretty great.

Yay for photoshop. And magnetic poetry.

From the moonstory
fall warm whispers
Secret dreams dance
through winter cold
across summer
dropping strange dark
not like shadow
Breathe deep
this soft winded

I should go back to bed. I have to work tonite. Wee.

And then tomorrow I’m gonna sit for RB & DB for a few days while M & E are out of town.

heh. My work schedule ends tomorrow nite. Hopefully I’m not scheduled to work on Sunday nite. *shrugs* I s’pose I’ll just call off if I am. It bugs me, that they don’t have the schedule out (or they didn’t as of yesterday) yet. I mean. It’s a fucking MONTH LONG schedule. We have to have requests in by the second Monday of the new schedules. There’s NO reason it should take them that long. People have lives, ya know? I guess it’s different for ppl who are full time and generally work every day anyways. But for flex people who work sporadically, it’s just not fair. lah.

I’ve contemplated just asking to go full time there but I honestly don’t know that I could handle that. I’m just burnt out with the management there and not to mention I will have a hard time enduring the “awww, you failed school…” pitylooks. AND listening to Pam and Lisa talk about how they’re doing with the last semester and shit. So. blah.

Anyways. I’m working myself in to a bad mood again so I’ll stop. Sleep calls. Hmm. And food maybe. hmm. Sleep first. *nods*

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January 6, 2006

love your photoshop creation! brilliant!

January 6, 2006

*you’ve got mail”

January 7, 2006

That’s such a cool photoshop thingy. Wish I was like, vaguely artistic. Couldn’t draw a stick man with a ruler, let alone a mouse.

January 8, 2006

love the poem…xox