
Well….I worked last nite and got up around 1.30, so I got about 5 hours sleep. As soon as I write this I’m going to get back to studying.

I think, if I figured it correctly, that I only need an additional 22 points in Social Psych to still get an 8. Considering there’s a 20 point paper still waiting to be graded (I’ve gotten nothing less than 18 on the first 6, so here’s hoping….)…and a 50 point final on Monday…I think I might be ok. *grin* Cuz that’s 70, and I only need 22. So. If I get at least an 18 on the paper, I can manage to miss…uhm…46 on the exam and still get an A. Right? I dunno, I’m tired and my numbers keep coming out differently. And the last time I figured them out, it came out so that there was no way I could possibly get an A, cuz I did so poorly on my first exam. (Then again, I just now realized that I got an 82% on it, so…geesh. For some reason I was thinking that I had failed it??)

3 papers at 18/20, one at 19/20 and 2 at 20/20. And currently one at 0/20 cuz it’s not graded yet.
exam one was 41/50, exam 2 was 49/50, exam three is 0/50 cuz it’s not been taken yet.
10 bonus points for a “day of compassion” exercise.

Total possible then, would be 290.
Total currenly is 213.

So current grade would be 73%

Now. Let’s assume that I did really crappily on my paper and got a…12 which would be 60%. That would put me at 78% Which is passing. With a C, but passing. But, let’s say I also did crappy on the final and got a….25, which would be 50%. That would leave me with an 86%- high B. Mostly acceptable. heh. lah…

But assuming I did, as I generally do, on my paper- an 18. And a 30 on my exam (60%)….that’d leave me with an A.

Ok. Of course, I still have a strong desire to do well on the exam just cuz A. it’s a psych course and i like to be good at those and B. it’s Dr F’s class and being her work study student and then failing her class would make me feel really awkward. heh. So. But I’ll be ok with a B instead of an A for the exam, cuz it’ll still leave me with an A for the class. So that’s good.

Oh, and for relaxations skill, I can pretty much not write the final paper assignment, and still get an A. So. heh. Yay….

Ok. To the books. To the books. To the books. (Reminds me of RB after he saw Peter Pan and kept going “to the ship. to the ship. to the ship” hehe. Wee.

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December 11, 2005

argh! ; )