
oh my gosh i just had the WORST dream. One of those “fire alarms seem so real and you wake to find it’s your alarm clock” dreams”?

I was driving. Well, first I was like, on the highway and like…all the traffic was stopped and there were all these truckers. And this one girl and they were all like “hey, we’ll get you what you need” and they had little baggie type things and they were joking with her that she had powder on her hands and it turns out that they were giving her cocaine. And then I was driving. But it was hard to blink, and then I couldn’t open my eyes (and this part, the driving part, seemed really real) and I just…COULDN’T open my eyes and I tried to pry one open but everything was just black and but I was still going around curves and everything but then I stopped, like i slowed down slowly, every second being afraid that I was going to hit something or someone. And my car was stopped and I tried to pry my eyes open, but they wouldn’t, everything was just black. And they felt sunken in. Like, even when my eyelids were up, it’s like there was still a layer covering my eyes cuz no air was getting to them, and it was like my eyelids were stuck. And in the dream, I was remembering going trick or treating with Em, in the neighborhood that I grew up in. And wanting to go to this one house, or rather like, she wanted to kind of go, cuz I had said they gave good stuff or something and so we walked all the way there and it was really cold and they weren’t there, and it had been longer than I thought it would take and then the way to get back to the shortcut was *also* longer. And then we walked thru “the trails” (basically a patch of woods that seperated a dead end street from the street that wrapped around and stuff. Hard to explain. But not big at all, you could almost see out the other side from one side) and. It was weird, cuz I remember walking, like in the dream memory, I remember all of the houses and walking down that road and just how it curved and sloped. It was weird. And I woke up sort of thinking that that was a real memory, til I realized that it couldn’t be.

And I think the conversation part, the looking and going out of the way for the one place, was from a walk I took with AJ? Around town? But I can’t remember. Ugh.

Anyways. Turns out that I was just trying to wake up and once I did, I could open my eyes. Tho my heart was beating really fast and I was scared alot. heh.

More studying…..2 hours til I have to leave. Eep.

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That is a pretty crazy dream 😀 *random noter*

hmmm… interesting dream. ryn: I use a tripod & a timer… 🙂 Now. Why isn’t the pic of you & AJ from the front page on your DA page? I LOVE that picture… tons. 🙂