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Eheh. My comments in red.

Since it is our number one goal to content our customers, if you are
unhappy with your purchase, we give a money-back policy.
Relieve your nervousness by taking our best products. There are over 135
popularly used generics offered.
No cumbersome doctor visits. Privacy and enjoyable shopping environment.

Yes. Wouldn’t want to actually ever LEAVE the house, even when your health was in danger. Stupid cumbersome doctors and their stupid need to help people feel better safely. Geesh. The nerve.
Good thing it’s private, too. Cuz GAWD FORBID someone find out that you take anxiety medication! *eeeeep* You’d surely be labeled a freak and avoided for the rest of your life. Well. If you ever left your house, anyways…

Purchasing prescriptions from our express outlet is accomodating, hasty and
saves you a lot of money.

Mmm, yes. Hasty is always the best method for picking out substances that you plan on putting in your bloodstream. I wonder if they mean that you can buy drugs from them, or actual prescriptions? I see a new field….internal medicine practiced over the internet. I mean, why does the doctor actually have to SEE you to determine if you’re fit or ill? Lung sounds are over-rated.

We will mail your goods speedily while you sit back.

Our drugs are lab-tested equivalents of trademarked brands, except less
costly. of address]/

Ah. I see, they’re saving money…using a free web hosting service instead of paying monthly ISP/server space fees. I bet that’s how they’re able to pass the savings on to their customers. *nods* I think other companies like should take this method in to consideration.

With Love,


mood favourite shore. UC are falling round preference me, I shall live!
maximum live for the choice coming of one
“Suppose lift oo shuts the book?” Bruno respect scratch suggested.

We all shall live!! Oh wait, no. “Maximum live for the choice coming of one” Does that mean first come first served, and that’s the only one who lives? Or is it pretermined who that One is? Who makes the choice? Does Bruno? Or does the scratch he respects make the choice?


This one was sent to “Millicent” Obviously one brit communicating to another!

Good day,
As a right purchaser we give you necessary info and our product innovation from time to time.

Notations inform us you may want to have some explanations.

Yes. Explain to me the product innovation again. I just didn’t catch it the first time. I was too busy listening to the necessary info. It’s good that you didn’t withhold *that* Cuz. Ya know. It’s…necessary….

We apologize and hope you will take a jaundiced view at medicaments we sell. Again, let us introduce our drugs at attractive prices which may be urgent needed.

I’ve heard of seeing the world thru rose-coloured glasses before….I wonder if this is similar? Everyone needs a little more yellowy perspective on life. And look at them, getting all fancy-pantsy with their phrasing. No “Medication” or “drugs” for them. They only have medicaments. Brilliant.

We also offer you impeccable customer care.

How could you not? You and your medicaments….

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I suppose if you relied on this, you could find yourself in quite a medicament.