Ever the Same.

I want to be in bed right now, asleep.no surprise there. it’s the only place i’ve wanted to be for weeks. I don’t want to go to the Allies meeting. But at least this is my last official secretarial duty and after this I won’t have to officially feel guilty for other peoples’ apathy and lack of interest.

I was gonna maybe drive to AJ’s tonite cuz she was maybe gonna call off work tomorrow. But she decided not to, so I guess I’ll just go up tomorrow, as sort of planned.

I need to remember to print out the 4th outline for the renal urinary section. And transcribe the last few days of notes off my recorder. lah. Have to write a paper for social psych. Have to write a paper for Relaxation Skills (well, that one is basically a one page, double space commentary on some articles on the APA website, so.)

I didn’t feel like walking home tonite, so I hitched a ride with M. First we dropped DB off at piano lessons, then went to the petstore and got me mice. Crickets. Superworms. (Not maggots, as RB is insistent that they are…) Then to the grocery store where we both got some groceries. Then home. The kids came up and saw my animals. Fun.

I need to leave now or I will be late.

Look. Can you see me running? *sigh*

I’m going to need to find a new journal for therp. soon, cuz the one we’ve been writing in is nearly full. (granted, I only write on every other page, so. But it -is- two and a half months worth.)

*sigh* I really should go make an effort to be Responsible. Then I’m coming home and going to BED and sleeping until I feel like getting up tomorrow. Then I need to clean my apartment. And put oil in my car. And go to AJ’s. mmmmm.

Log in to write a note

but you *ARE* responsible. stop thinking otherwise. -bc