all men are liars

Of course I wait til the last minute to call in a drug refill.
Of course the med that I’m out of on Sunday nite (as opposed to the one I have enough for til Wednesday…) is the one that is out of refills.

And apparently my prescriptions now require a $1 copay. Not that I’m complaining, cuz that’s about, ya know, $149 less than what I’d have to pay if I didn’t have Access. It’s just that rarely do I have cash on me…today I only happened to cuz I dug into the sticky change in the car’s cupholder in order to get enough $$ to hopefully pay for postage on an envelope that I want to send to AJ. But the post office was closed, so I still had the money.


I stopped by SM on my way home, which is a (the only) healthfood store in town. They accept food stamp benefits. I got fish fillets (heh. I know, not exactly vegetarian fare. But. They are all natural…*sigh*) and sweet potato fries. Now one day I’ll just have to muster the gumption to actually cook the stuff.

I started cleaning my room this afternoon. Then I got sidetracked. And now it is messier than it was when I started. How do I manage such things?

For some reason I’m on an Alanis kick right now. I put in Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie last nite and seemed to have re-addicted myself to it. Forgot how fucking brilliant that album is. heh. In my opinion, at least.

I should get back to cleaning.

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November 5, 2005

sweet potato fries are yummy

I try not to lie when possible. =o/

November 5, 2005

I always have stamps…