

I KNEW the right answers. But I second-guessed myself. I thought “well…that’s too obvious…” SHIT.

I’m so angry at myself. Stupid fucking shit. Like what to do if you pull out an NG tube and the pt starts to bleed. I put “bend head foreward and pinch soft part of nose” Even tho I KNOW it’s the bridge of the nose. The right answer is “pack the nostril with ribbon guaze to put pressure on the bleeding…” FUCK.

And what to do with a pt who has a chest tube. I put “change dressing every day” even tho I KNOW it shoulda been “mark level on container” I just get caught in the language. When it asks for an intervention, I think it has to be something to do with the patient. But that’s not it at all.

And the last drug calculation. A child comes in to the ER and is order -some asthma drug- of 70mg over 8 hours. The drug comes in liquid form of 80mg/15ml. How many mililiters would you administer?

Most ppl are saying the answer is 13. That they got something like 13.1 I got 12.6 and I DIDN”T ROUND UP. Because I remember being told long ago that you can’t give half doses or fraction doses of pills and such. But I was thinking, well, it’s a liquid, so you can draw up to 12.5…cuz I was also thinking that you shouldn’t give -more- than the dose. So that’s why I didnt round up. And now, even tho 12.6 might be the wrong answer, I coulda put 13 and gotten it RIGHT. FUCK. That’s 3, right there. You can only miss 6 and still pass. DAMNIT.

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November 3, 2005

I’M SORRY! will you get another chance? good luck.


-BLEH.- okay. i have faith that those are the only three you got wrong. -crosses fingers- -prays- -makes sacrifice of small weavil to the gods of correct answers.-

November 3, 2005


November 3, 2005

I always kicked myself over the answers too. That’s why I hate multiple choice, because I second-guess myself so much. Give me an essay test anyday, and I can explain what I’m thinking. Don’t worry too much, I bet you still did awesome. ~

=o( When do you find out the results? I’ll cross my fingers.