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October 23, 2005

oh my goodness, what a “fluffy” cat! (as my mom says, I’m not fat, I’m fluffy).

October 23, 2005

oh, and I love your bath mat.

Gotta love them! Hugs, Jeanne

I so totally (heart) your kitties. 🙂 They’re both lovely (and very much CATS!! 🙂 eesh… Jon HATES cats & I swear ours is forever climbing into HIS closet to sleep on HIS clean clothes that are stacked on the bottom (like sweaters & long johns :). …think cats are spiteful much? Hmmm… LOL. xxoo,

ps. you were asking about “tokens” from home? I totally brought a little pillow from Heather’s bed as my bus ride pillow & have wound up snuggling with it & sleeping with it while here. 🙂 I’m much better now (although I get to hop the bus again tonight to begin my trek home in about 6 1/2 hours :). I don’t anticipate as much “EEK!” factor going home though as it should start out hectic in NY

in terms of the sheer amount of PEOPLE you know? But as soon as I get to Detroit the bus should be fairly empty. Plus–I’ve gotten something from these days away that I desperately NEEDED (even if I had to damn near kill myself in GETTING here!! in terms of stress, lol). And am really looking forward to going home. The kids are off school Wed for teacher in-service so we’ll have all day to

snuggle & go swimming & “reconnect” so to speak. & I’m not telling anyone but Jon that I’m coming home a day early so that I can get in tomorrow night & have tomorrow night & Tuesday morning to reconnect with HIM as well. If I was driving (although that… I would NOT have been able to do for this trip!!! 🙂 I would totally have arranged a detour to stop & see you for at least a day!!

…speaking of which–I totally think you & AJ need to talk about taking a little trip to Up North MI & coming to see me & my clan!! 🙂 For real! Like next summer or something. Just putting it out there… 🙂

October 23, 2005

omg that is a huge cat! like a watermelon with a head! ITS ADORABLE 🙂

October 29, 2005

*grin* we have that same bathmat 😛 but no cat in our laundry…just lizards.