I do laundry because why??

It’s inevitable that when there is a pile of dirty clothes next to a pile of clean clothes, the cats will sleep on the clean clothes. I’d think they’d rather the dirty ones, that like…smell like me and stuff? *rolls eyes*

Speaking of laundry. Just realized that both of my nsg uniforms are dirty. And I am almost of out clean socks. *sigh* I long to live somewhere where I don’t have to put quarters in a machine in order to receive clean clothes.

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October 22, 2005

What a pretty kitty!

Your cat is just beautiful… she looks like a ragdoll breed, is she?

October 22, 2005

Very pretty cat. My dog has the tendacy to do that..

October 23, 2005

I am not allowed to see the photos. I do laundry because it’s Sunday, it’s an autopilot thing. I’m programmed! Hugs.