tronned scans

Well, I didn’t benefit from the scantron answer, but I did benefit from the other bit. So now I have a 32, which means an 80% which means I passed the exam. Which is a good thing.
Fri, Oct 14, 2005 — Grade on CV exam

After finding a scantron error, I hand-graded all of your exams. The current recorded score is the accurate one. Also regarding question #30.- the BEST answer is the response where the client states he will eat raisins and apricots (this is based on pg. 799 in your text which discusses teaching the client about digioxin and monitoring for hypokalemia, and also pg. 800 under the nursing alert which identifies foods to encourage the client to eat – raisins and apricots-so as to avoid hypokalemia, as well as my lecture – in which I stressed repeatedly watching for hypokalemia and even identifying raisins and apricots as foods which the pt should eat. That being said however, IF these medications were being given for a CHF client (and the question does not indicate that) having the client weigh himself daily would be a correct nursing intervention as well – so if you chose A- weighing daily or C- the raisins and apricots – I gave you credit. That credit is also reflected in your current score. The grades that are posted are the correct and revised grade.

Thanks and have fun in respiratory.


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hey it works now! -bc

Hooray for passing! =o) (Possibly the lamest note I’ve ever left, but I’m tired.)

October 15, 2005

: D

Glad you passed! Was OD down yesterday? I hadn’t heard from you and was only getting bumped to a request to renew the domain name. Strange. Hugs, Jeanne

October 15, 2005