A-fairing We Will Go…

Lah lah lah. Lovely weekend with AJ. Tho, chock-full of some in/tense moments. wee.

Heh. We had somethink like “group therapy” on Thursday pltzzzz. I had planned on meeting up with J, and AJ and I were on-campus and realized that it was about time that I was there, so she just came with me. So. That was….uh….it was lovely that she was there, tho I wish I hadn’t needed to BE there, if that makes sense? *sigh*

Then we went to Bburg for the Fair on Friday. It was way more wonderful than I thought it’d be to see my family! Well, my Aunt and Uncle and various cousins. No idea if they know I’m gay or not. AJ and I were definately low-key around them. *sigh* But. It was still really great to be there, I do love them.

The fair was also wonderful, I think. I mean, same old same old but….traditions are nice. Comforting. And I was super ecstatic that I got to share it with AJ, cuz it’s definately one of the happier memories/traditions of childhood. Ugh. I ate SO MUCH. bleeeeeeergh. It’s like a nonstop foodfest. heh. It was so funny cuz as we were driving in to my aunt’s house, I almost said to AJ “I bet Aunt S has vegetable soup on the stove….” And, she did :o) She always does, for fair. I love it. Even tho it has meat in it. heh. I ignored that part cuz otherwise it’s just too good to pass up. la la la. I feel more at home there than I did even where I grew up! Odd, that.

Of course, once we got home I was totally overwhelmed by everything I had to do. So naturally AJ and I laid down and took a nap! During which the power went out, and when I went to the window I discovered that people were standing staring up at my apartment and pointing. I was thinking “dude, is my house on fire???” But apparently just the transformer right outside of my window blew. Eesh. Unfortunately, all of the loud rides and stands (yes, it’s festival-time in this little town as well…UGH) right under my window did not lose power. pltzzzz.

I tried to read and do homework by flashlight, but it was giving me a HUGE headache. So I gave up and went to bed. The power came on sometime in the nite, around 11 or midnite maybe? Not sure. But it was on when I got up, so that was good.

I need to go do work. Blah.

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October 3, 2005

: )

…we lost power at work last week & got to go home an hour early… Yippee!! 🙂