apathy reigns


Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

met with Jan again today and was surprised when she said “We have to end in a few minutes…” cuz I couldn’t believe I’d been babbling for an hour. Oi vey. But it is nice to just rant about school. Tho she’s damn sneaky and keeps trying to get me to see the positive aspects of my personality and such. pltzzzzz.

Class this morning was ok. Spent the whole time staring at ECG strips and interpreting them. And. I actually understand it. Can’t do it altogether well, cuz the little boxes are damn hard to see and count, but I understand what I *should* be doing. That counts for something, right? Except she didn’t give us a break, at all!! Usually they give us a break, since the class IS two hours long. Oh well.

Then I went and met with Jan after a while. Then came home and attempted to stop and pick up lunesta samples from the dr but of course they were out to lunch. So I went and got french fries from wendy’s and then went back and got the samples. The came home. Tried to nap a little bit. Looked at the ECG strips some more.

Then went to Allies. I did NOT want to be there. No one ever volunteers for anything or seems to want to DO anything and it’s frustrating. I wanted to sit in the corner and pet Doc P’s dog the whole time. But I didn’t. I sat like a good little secretary and took down the minutes.

And then I just left when the meeting was over. Not that anyone was prolly going to dinner anyways, cuz now they all go to aclu. but whatever.

now i’m home again and. in a foul mood. and just. angry at the world and wanting to scream and cry. i’m so frustrated. FUCK.

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-falls over laughing at your note- my darling, you are amazing. truly. thank you. i wish i had some words to make you smile. how about “i’m thinking the same thing about you.”

September 22, 2005

OK. EKG strips I understand. Wanna come help me with lymphocytes, luekocytes, myleoblasts and crap? And this is just for Intermediate EMT. 🙂 Glad you’re “getting it” in school.

September 22, 2005

: ( *hug*