make it STOP —edit—

holy fucking HELL.

What happened to the whole concept of God being a loving, accepting, etc person or thing or whatever??????

Take from NYTimes, 9.15.05…

The issue of gay seminarians and priests has been in the spotlight because a study commissioned by the church found last year that about 80 percent of the young people victimized by priests were boys.

Experts in human sexuality have cautioned that homosexuality and attraction to children are different, and that a disproportionate percentage of boys may have been abused because priests were more likely to have access to male targets – like altar boys or junior seminarians – than to girls.

But some church officials in the United States and in Rome, including some bishops and many conservatives, attributed the abuse to gay priests and called for an overhaul of the seminaries. Expectation for such a move rose this year with the election of Pope Benedict XVI, who has spoken of the need to “purify” the church.

Ok. Ok. OK. Fine. Ban gay seminarians and priests. FINE. But don’t and I mean DON’T “[attribute] the abuse to gay priests”.

HOW can they just randomly IGNORE and discount the whole fact that most sexual abuse that occurs between men and young boys occurs between STRAIGHT men- men who don’t identify as gay- and young boys??????? How the fuck do they just turn a blind eye to statistics and research and OBVIOUS explanations? ie: “a diproportionate percentage of boys may have been abused because priests were more likely to have access to male targets” Am I the ONLY one going “Well DUH! You don’t barely even let women IN the church, letalone give priests easy access to them…”

This doesn’t just make me incredibly, incredibly angry. It also scares the living daylight out of me. Because. How many people. How many people look to the vatican or the pope or whatever, to guide their moral beliefs? To discern for them what is right from wrong? How many people blindly accept the church’s decrees?????

You know, I bet a majority of the priests who committed the abuse…I bet they were white or caucasian. So. Why don’t they try to root out all of the white priests too? And hey, weren’t ALL of them men? So. Get rid of all the men! I bet a majority of the abusers ate eggs for breakfast. I think that should be grounds to oust them from the seminary.

It’s BAD ENOUGH we have frigging George W Dickhead as puppet president. But now THIS? We’re gonna be right back in the dark ages. Unless, ya know, fuckwit Dubya manages to get the US blown up by some other country. But still. The scariest part…the vatican isn’t an American thing. It’s a…WORLD thing.

I don’t want children. I don’t want to have to raise them in a world where tolerance and understanding is determined to be unacceptable.

I’m going back to bed.

*sigh* Maybe there’s hope yet? (I wish this helped me be less angry about the previous shit, but it doesn’t. Makes me a fraction of a centimeter more optimistic about the direction in which things are going, but. Two rights don’t right a wrong…)

BOSTON, Sept. 14 – In a sign that the legalization of same-sex marriage has changed the political landscape in Massachusetts, the legislature soundly defeated a proposed constitutional amendment on Wednesday to ban gay marriage and create civil unions, an amendment that lawmakers gave preliminary approval to in a raucous constitutional convention last year.

Wednesday’s 157-to-39 vote by a joint session of the House and Senate partly reflected the fact that some legislators now consider same-sex marriage more politically acceptable, after a largely conflict-free year in which some 6,600 same-sex couples got married and lawmakers who supported it got re-elected.

The vote also reflected some lawmakers’ reluctance to pass a bill that could either withdraw rights from already married couples or create a class of married gay men and lesbians and a class of those unable to marry.

And even better yet (from the same article)…

Senator James E. Timilty, a Democrat who last year supported the amendment, also changed his mind.

“When I looked in the eyes of the children living with these couples,” Mr. Timilty said, “I decided that I don’t feel at this time that same-sex marriage has hurt the commonwealth in any way. In fact I would say that in my view it has had a good effect for the children in these families.”

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September 16, 2005

I’m sorry. And angry WITH you. It blows my mind, that people in this day and age can be such ignorant @ssholes. Frankly, I’m surprised -shocked even- that “The Church” doesn’t just start burning people at the stake. They can start with their priests. But they won’t.

September 16, 2005

I think celebicy attracts weirdos

September 16, 2005

um, celibacy

“When I looked in the eyes of the children living with these couples,” Mr. Timilty said, “I decided that I don’t feel at this time that same-sex marriage has hurt the commonwealth in any way. In fact I would say that in my view it has had a good effect for the children in these families.” Wow!!! And this was a change in his view? Wonderful news! Hugs, jeanne