Good Wisdom.

>how do ppl survive, after such a thing? to lose so much…

[E], I don’t know how people survive, but they do and sometimes they
grow! Pinch back a plant and it branches out. Lots of small trees
grow after a fire. […] Remember both sides of the picture: death and life. Hugs,

All sorrows can be borne if we put them in a story or tell a story
about them. — Isak Dinesen

Sometimes I want to slap myselfeh. more than just slap… I mean. I’m worried about how to keep paying for gas to commute to school 3 days a week when….whole cities are worried about not having running water or electricity or houses or family members or whatever….

I mean. Why is my survival any more important than theirs? it’s not

I feel guilty when I avoid the media, when I avoid current events going on in the world- wars, terrorism.

But I feel totally and completely overwhelmed and useless when I do pay attention. And also guilty for knowing but not doing anything to help. *sigh*

Remember both sides of the picture… Trying, trying…

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H, I thought I’d done a poor job responding to you on this e-mail. NO is really a catastrophe, really terrible. And, (you’ll be really surprised here) I believe in the resiliency of cities and people. We can make it through. We can make meaning. Here’s what APA says. Look at the bottom, especially. Hugs, J

September 1, 2005

I do laundry tomorrow – bring the clothes tonight cause I might start tonight.

I had been avoiding the media, but I finally caught up with everything regarding Katrina on the news tonight. I’ve felt guiltier tonight than I can remember in a long while. As cliche as it sounds, it does put everything in perspective. The news showed a bus being loaded for Houston, and there was a poodle pawing at the door to follow its owner. Broke my heart.