
nervous anxious etc. want to…do…stuff. but. won’t. called AJ talked to her for a while. Also talked to her for an hour earlier. hehe. I need to check my phone statement to make sure that I’m not paying for these calls!! I mean. that sounds wrong. Just…mean that I need to make sure I’m staying within my plan, and calling at the right hours and stuff, otherwise i’ll be screwed since we talk for nearly an hour at least once a day, if not more…

i looked at the calendar today. And couldn’t believe it’s only been less than 2 months since we met face to face! Very strange. Scary.

i love her.

i need sleep.

i need to calm the fuck down about skewl. i’m being such a…such a freshman!!! lol. 😉

Bed. I meant to be in bed at 10pm on the dot. This didn’t work out as planned (seeing sa it’s quarter til 12 now….)

Oh well. bed NOW. and pray to all things holy that i do NOT sleep thru my THREE alarms in the am, making me late for class cuz I would be mortified. EEEEEEESH.

*trying not to hyperventilate*

what’s that that j’s always saying? breaaaaathe. in.. it….out…1..2..3.4.5…..yeah. yeah. UGH. Why’s it so much frikkin easeir to do when she’s in the room?? UGH.


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I’m sorry, I forget how you and AJ met… Hugs… You’ll be fine. Most of the time I’m my own worst enemy. Damn my worrisome imagination.

August 29, 2005

YOU will be just fine!