boring questionairre

Lah. Apparently I am bored? hehe. And, it’s been a while since I’ve done a survey thingiemajig. So.

1. Pick 20 of your favorites (mine are just in order of who updated last. And I omitted the DM and ppl who haven’t updated in, literally, years! So the first couple are also the last couple.)
2. Answer Corresponding questions

How did you find … 13 [simple dan] One glorious day I stumbled upon Dan & Firebabe, and I was hooked for life. And I miss them!

What would you do if you ever met … 5 [sleeping butterfly] I’d sit on the couch and hold her for a few hours, and then prolly go to an art museum or something 🙂

What do you honestly think of … 10 [to read others] i think she’s pretty damn amazing, that she’s more beautiful than she believes she is, and that one day I’ll see her name in big letters and be able to say “I KNOW her!!!!”

What do you honestly think of … 3 [tiger] i think she’s one of the most honest and passionate writers i’ve ever read and she *gets* me.

If … 1 [i have girl parts] died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? what a horrible question! I don’t know her very well, as I only started reading her a week or two ago.

Describe … 7 [tainted angel] in 3 words: hilarious, blunt, free-spirited

Do you think … 12 [silkelily] is hot? haven’t seen a pic. But i love her words!

Would … 1 [i have girl parts] and … 17 [sky blue pink] make a lovely couple? p’raps, but I think Bloke might get a tad jealous. And what would the fishes think??

What do you think when you see … 8 [paper crane girl]? i think “ooh! it’s been a while, yay for updatage!”

Tell me something interesting about … 11 [moody cat] she’s an emt-type person (can’t rmr exactly what tho!)

Do you know any of … 6’s [me explorer] family members? mmm, nope.

How cute is … 14 [ryujin] Simply adorable!! And I have a wonderfully cute picture of her and I from when I went to visit her!

What would you do if … 4 [woman of many hats] just professed their undying love for you? *grin* I already know she loves me! Otherwise I’d prolly stutter a lot and be really confused, cuz I also already know she doesn’t get in to the whole lesbian deal (which is a shame, cuz men are assholes!] 🙂

What language does … 19 [Dorkus Aloneus] speak? he speaks Geek!!

Is … 9 [red moon rising] a boy or a girl? she’s a woman (an amazing one!)

Would … 18 [i have girl parts] and … 4 [woman of many hats] make a good couple? please refer to the 3rd question above this one.

When was the last time you talked to … 12 [silkelily] we’ve never talked. but we’ve prolly noted within the last week or so.

What is … 3’s [tiger] favorite band? ah! I should know this. Except she likes all kinds of music. One of her most recent favourite songs was “Holy Water” She also likes Ani and Alanis and…lots of music. 🙂

Are you envious of … 19 [dorkus aloneus] – dunno if i’d call it exactly envious. but i’d love to have his artistic ability. i’m envious of how much he’s been travelling lately!

Does … 18 [i have girl parts] have any siblings? dunno, i’ve not been reading her long enough to know.

Would you ever date … 6 [me explorer]? I think the question here is, would she ever date me?! hehe. I’m not sure if we’d make a great couple. But I think we’d be awesome friends.

Is … 15 [caffeine queen] single? not the last time I checked.

What is … 13’s [simple mind] middle name? uh…jacob? I have no idea!

What is the thing you like the most about… 2 [dorkus aloneus] how much he adores his animals

What is … 10’s [to read others] fantasy? mmm…to stop worrying so much about her body, maybe.

Where does … 9 [red moon rising] live? near the bayou down in lu’siana!

How long have you known … 16 [firebabe]? hmm. 2ish years?

Would you make out with … 13 [simple mind]? If he weren’t a boy, yes.

Do … 5 [sleeping butterfly] and … 6 [me explorer] know each other? not that i’m aware of

Does … 7 [tainted angel] like … 20 [tiger]? don’t know that they read one another

Would … 16 [firebabe] and 8 [paper crane girl] get along if they met in real life? probably, cuz pcg is very sweet and fb is definately a people person. i don’t know who -couldn’t- like her!

How did you find … 15 [caffeine queen]? most likely by following a note or by random.

Does … 11 [moody cat] have any pets? uhm…yes?

Is … 12 [silkelily] older than you? i don’t think so

Is … 17 [firebabe] the sexiest person alive? well, aj is the sexiest person alive, to me. but firebabe, i’m sure, comes in at a close second ;o)

What does … 2 [dorkus aloneus] do for a living? oh oh oh!! I know this one! He’s a freelance artist!

What is … 14’s [ryujin] biggest fear? boys :op cuz boys are icky. everyone should fear them. (no offense to the…2…boys on my list, of course.) hehe.

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August 18, 2005

This was very cool and enlightening. I’ve learned quite a bit about your readers from it. =o) And no offense taken regarding the boys bit. We *are* icky. That’s why I like girls. =o)

August 18, 2005

hehehe. that was so fun–seriously. I tell myself I’m hot, but I don’t always believe it. now i have to read some of your faves, because you certainly had some interesting things to say about them!

The middle name was a good guess, in fact it sounds very much like Jacob if you consider the vowel sounds… but actually, it’s David. 😀 I’d like to do a D&F reunion tour someday, that would rock! Oh, and I’d make out with you too, and you’re already the correct gender! 😉

*g* You are TOO sweet! 😉 & hey… you were unlucky to get me for the “fave band” question because you’re right–I like ALL kinds of music & far too many different kinds to be able to answer that question myself. I might change my own answer five times in one day–depending on my MOOD.