Sweet bird….

Not much time for up-datage, as AJ and I are going to go meet Homie for coffee in a little bit! YAY!

The weekend was pretty wonderful. Not much excitement, just hanging around my sister’s house and playing with Z, and cuddling with AJ. heehee. mmmmmmmmm. *ahem* la la la. hmmm….

My sister seemed to like AJ and AJ liked her, and she and the baby enjoyed each others’ company as well!

So, it was Z’s FIRST birthday (AAAHHHH, how can it be, how can it be???) He enjoyed squiiiiiiiiishing his cake between his fingers, as is the rite of passage for baby’s first birthday.

And, like I said, AJ and the kid seemed to take to each other….

lalala. Off to EnP with Homie and AJ. Weeeeeeeeee!

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Great pictures. Happy Birthday to Z. =o)

August 14, 2005

: )

August 14, 2005

Aww, cute pictures!

August 14, 2005

awww! what a sweet kid

August 15, 2005

cute, cute, cute!